Note: "This thread is just made for laughs and giggles. I am not a hateful person and I direct no hate towards anyone. This is only a discussion on shit posts I find funny to talk about"
cout << "Found first topic...";
"Basically time and time again, failure after failure, ban after ban it just puts you down?
How do you guys deal with the stress off botting? knowing that the next day might be your last?
Sometimes it's hard to sleep at night.
Any advice is helpfull
this constant anxiety on never being safe just makes me super stressed out and depressed.
maybe just maybe botting is not for me?"
Discuss #1 Below 11/24/15
cout << "Found second topic...";
topic: "This makes me blue"
link to video:
Dicuss #2 11/24/15
1) Is it good?
2) What are your thoughts?
#3 (Community finds are welcome. No matter how old the topic is )
cout << "Until next time... 11/25/15";