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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Chris

  1. that comes with the newer engine package $24.99
  2. Topic: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/85420-%E2%98%9E-alpha-trinity-aio-giants-alpha-%E2%98%9E-multiple-locations-safe-spotting-potion-support-multiple-giants/ POLL: http://strawpoll.me/6144979 Have a different price in mind? Post below friends! When you vote think about the the price when I add more locations. The script is not complete yet
  3. Yeah we can do this later. I also have school in an hour.
  4. Yes or just in the Chop case between each tree
  5. Looks okay to me. You said it works for 2 trees? Can you throw in some log statements inside the case and run it for me?
  6. Have you tried adding logs log("Can I reach this statement?"); and also what does your getState look like? You should also look into the InteractionEvent API. it handles visibility checks etc. Real easy to use http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/InteractionEvent.html EXAMPLE SNIPPET: public boolean interact(final Entity entity, final String option) { InteractionEvent IE = new InteractionEvent(entity, option); IE.setOperateCamera(false); IE.setWalkTo(false); IE.setHover(true); if(IE != null) { execute(IE); //other checks } } // if (interact(tree,"Chop")) ///
  7. What platform and game type?
  8. Thanks I can use this in Trinity Giants . You read my mind keepo OT: Nice work babe
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