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Everything posted by Eggbert10

  1. Eggbert10

    Stealth Quester

    love u bby, also how is it going on 2.0? I cant wait to see how it is, by far this is the best script and I really commend you on your abilities
  2. Eggbert10

    Stealth Quester

    Any chance you're feeling generous and would auth me for six hours on your beautiful script? ;)
  3. Eggbert10

    Stealth Quester

    Any chance I could get another trial? Its been a while, Or if I can pay OS GP for 6 hours or 12?
  4. Basically, I have a 110 Demon Hunter, 95 Mage, 90 Hunter,Paladin, 100 Shaman, and a bunch of mid-level toons. Was curious if anyone would be interested, Also has Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Warcraft 3 + Expansion + Hearthstone with Legendary cards.. Can get screenshots and talk upon more interest
  5. Ahh was hoping to have it made for me, but either is fine, If this can be moved.
  6. Well I currently lost my account and in need of a Voider, I get paid next week I have a budget of 80-150 $ depending on the account, I really only will work with verified people and high feed back, as well being able to change the email. Any offers or ss's of stats, send them here, PM, or my skype, theeggbert10
  7. Talked on Skype ! /\ Also I can do fire capes now, so if anyone needs any, I work out reasonable prices!
  8. Thank you! If anybody needs anything done, small or large, shoot me a PM, I have the next two days off!
  9. Hello! My name is Eggbert and I'm new to the shop profession but I have had a lot of spare time in recently and I thought that I should use this to progress my standing with the community and hopefully earn some good feedback,friendship, as well some knowledge! Read on if you would like to learn more about myself as well my small service! -Lets start off with some RULES+Basic FAQ - Unless trusted you are required to go first, whether it be paid in full, or depending on service, We will do half of the payment upon startup and full payment upon completion! I can and will deny requests if I do not have the means to do it, or cannot do it. I make sure to give a moderate estimate on the time that it will take me to complete the service, some things im stronger in, than others. I make sure to do all of my activities by hand, this increases the time but all in all cleans out any chance for a macroing ban, as this concludes I am NOT responsible for any bans, mutes, etc you may receive, during or after the ban, if you chose to log on and do something your not supposed to and get punished for it, I am sorry but I will not be refunding as well. I am open to negations and to work with the customer on a price as I am a very reasonable fellow! If you are wanting a middle-man, you must find a verified+trusted MM or the service will NOT be considered, I am opening this shop to create some sort of RS income as well gain a good standing with the community as ive been here for a while and Runescape seems to be the only thing keeping me happy right now. If for some reason I am unable to fully complete a task, depending on how far the completion is, We will negotiate a partial refund that is fair to both parties for the amount of work done. Do NOT log on while I or any worker are in progress of completing the task unless contacted first and it is acceptable, Doing so will void the contract with out a refund. If wealth is left on the account during task, I am not responsible for anything happening to it, as I will not touch it and if anything does happen I will not be held accountable. You are welcome to PM me on the forums or on my Skype theeggbert10 , I will verify through skype that it is infact me, Do not trust anyone that does not verify, and as of now I am the only employee of my workshop! APPLICATIONS QUESTS POWERLEVEL Other Requests Worker Request Must Be Trusted+Long Term Member ** I also can do fire capes depending on the level , Contact me for more info! ** Thank you for taking the time to read and browse through the shop! I will update the thread as I progres with sales, I am not a good GFX designer so Ill have to find somebody willing to help me down the road, Thank you very much and I am hoping for the best with this service! Have a wonderful day!
  10. I started the script for astrals and it gets stuck just going in and out of bank at moonclan, any idea what im doing wrong? edit * I ran it once i helped it get to the astrals, and now its back to just opening and closing bank nvm, fixed it, it didnt pick up runes for teleing in the rune pouch . Could think of a way to implement that for ya script
  11. Can i get a trial for this one? Its sexy, and does it support lunars?
  12. So I noticed you liked my post, Your script has sexy paint and ui, hook a bro up and i got u on nudes
  13. Eggbert10

    Stealth Quester

    Always worth a shot for a second try babe<3 If you could just one last time, the only reason was because my main got banned and I never got around to getting the requirements for the sub quests. Maybe one more for me? Ill most likely buy it come wednesday, are ya also gonna add more quests in?
  14. Eggbert10

    Stealth Quester

    any chance I can get another tutorial for a few hours? want to test it on a few of the sub-quest ones.
  15. Hey Whats your skype?

    1. Harry



  16. Ahh, Sadly im on a budget of 75-125$ for this paycheck, but If you're willing to take payments I get paid weekly and can feedback, and not change the info until payment is processed, If you would like to talk on skype add me and we can talk about a price and details. I may not have the most feedback but I am a trustworthy person and im trying to figure something out, Let me know @Harry !
  17. Well, As my main got banned, I am in search of a new starter main so Im less tempted to bot so vigorously to get my stats to what I want them too, I get my check from work on wednesday and Im at a budget of 70-125$, I will either buy 07 GP for you, or I can attempt to send through paypal but im not that very familiar, I would like for a trusted member to PM me and I need an account where IM able to set the email to what I want and make sure its secure after purchase.. Post some Screenshots or add me on skype, theeggbert10 and we can talk. If anyone is willing enough to work a deal with me and let me play on the account with your info until I get paid if we come upon a deal I will be forever greatful, I will leave feedback and if you let me use the account prior You can take all wealth all the account and password wont be changed until purchase.. Trusted Members Only please Atleast 50+ Positive Feedback, Thank you for taking the time to read this! EDIT! If you are willing to let me play on the account prior to wednesday, I can also raise my budget to 200m GP but Ill have to set up an agreement in 100m 07 GP purchases, MUST be a trusted member though as im working on getting my rep up as well!
  18. My Main just got banned, Anyone interested, Need a new account. or Gold for one! Offers appreciated!
  19. With the rogue den, it only gets food from the bank, heals to full and then rebanks the food, then goes to the wall without grabbing food, is that how the script is supposed to be?
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