So I've had an idea for a while.. My idea is to release a free SuperScript Loader to the community where you can load up scripts made with SuperScript Factory. This is essentially a free limited version of SSF, the limitations being that you can't edit/create scripts, and that you can only run one instance of it per computer.
Possible pros:
- People would become familiar with SSF, what the scripts look like, and what it's capable of.
- These people could be potential future customers for SSF if they wanted to run more accounts or edit and make their own scripts.
- Higher incentive for SSF users to release their scripts as there would be more demand.
- Free advertising for SuperScript when we come out with our experience gain signatures.
Possible cons:
- People might use it to get around buying SuperScript Factory.
- Would increase development time a slight bit, I would need to manage both versions of SuperScript.
If you have any other ideas of how people would use the SuperScript Loader, please add to the discussion . Do you think this would be good or bad? You can see a list of all of the scripts that could potentially be loaded with SSL here -