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Everything posted by Dashboard

  1. So I've had an idea for a while.. My idea is to release a free SuperScript Loader to the community where you can load up scripts made with SuperScript Factory. This is essentially a free limited version of SSF, the limitations being that you can't edit/create scripts, and that you can only run one instance of it per computer. Possible pros: - People would become familiar with SSF, what the scripts look like, and what it's capable of. - These people could be potential future customers for SSF if they wanted to run more accounts or edit and make their own scripts. - Higher incentive for SSF users to release their scripts as there would be more demand. - Free advertising for SuperScript when we come out with our experience gain signatures. Possible cons: - People might use it to get around buying SuperScript Factory. - Would increase development time a slight bit, I would need to manage both versions of SuperScript. If you have any other ideas of how people would use the SuperScript Loader, please add to the discussion . Do you think this would be good or bad? You can see a list of all of the scripts that could potentially be loaded with SSL here - http://osbot.org/forum/forum/190-superscripts/.
  2. Buy her a copy of SuperScript Factory. 100% chance of sexy time.
  3. Yeah, we don't need any more global/super mods atm.
  4. It was probably because she changed her name to SuperScript and everyone was wondering who deserved such an extraordinary title.
  5. Have you started it already? Are you currently scripting for osbot2? or are you just saying you will I have a whole set-up that's ready. All I'm waiting on is the new API.
  6. Just a warning - GMC will be producing a Slayer script supporting all masters once OSBot 2 is released.
  7. Dashboard

    BETA v1.7.49

    Thank you very much sir .
  8. Maxi was captured by the US government and is being held until he reveals what this 'Dashboard' is and where it came from.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LOLCODE I'm just sayin'.
  10. @Laz @Maxi @Zach @Raflesia @Smart @Catastrophe @Master Chief @Mikasa Feel free to correct me if I am wrong .
  11. Dashboard

    BETA v1.7.47

    Thank you sir. Just hammering out the updates :3
  12. @Raflesia was just given the permissions to upload and update scripts on the SDN! Expect many more great things from OSBot for now on. Congratulations man!
  13. This is from DashAI, don't worry as Mod Mark's CC is the last place they'd check for bots.
  14. Am now judging the submissions. Will come up with the winners in 10-20 minutes.
  15. Approximately 14 hours until the competition is over. Great submissions so far!
  16. done if ur serious I want 07 gp though I don't play but don't have pp 6m osgp.
  17. I'll pay him $20.00 to change his name to 'SuperScript', with the SuperScript SDN logo as his avatar for one month.
  18. I'd donate it all to http://www.wolf-pac.com/ and just spend my day as I normally do. Maybe just find somebody to replace me in my duties at school and on OSBot.
  19. I'm also interested in this if available. Admins - you know how to contact me :P
  20. 1, don't count as a staff member so don't mind me .
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