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Trade With Caution
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About H0ppy

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Belguim (Hasselt)
  • Interests
    programming, studying, partying, hanging out with friends, troll the trollz,...

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Community Answers

  1. There is no way a hacker could steal your RS Account information. We do not store it in our servers at all. We do not send it through a connection in any way. If someone "hacked our client," they would have to first steal our unobfuscated client directly off of the developers computers, change the code, remove our security methods, then upload the link via the site. The chances of this happening are about.. 0% Well there is always a way Kati everybody knows that. There only need to be 1 person who is marter then you and your done. I got like 10 messages people blaming me my script hacked them ... Serious? grtz H0ppy
  2. Hello, Well here is the code of the Timer again: You create a new . java file which is called Timer Then paste this inside it. Now you can use a Timer object. If you need more info or examples then add my skype H0ppy
  3. HAHAHAHA i'm dieng here xD You just made my day sir ^^ Buttons, Buttons Buttons buttons push!! On On On LMFAO H0ppy
  4. Time to release 2.0 then xD Nice updater! I'll test this out and improve if I can! Thx for thx for the snippet! Grtz H0ppy
  5. Haha dat topic title x3 Thx for burning in hell? ^^ Good job man! grtz H0ppy
  6. H0ppy

    BETA v1.7.19

    Perfect update!
  7. How big is the universe? You think the earth is big? check: So how big is our universe? Is there somewhere an end of it? Is it maybe a ball? or is it a box? or it it limitless?? have fun breaking your brains grtz H0ppy
  8. How is nulling unused RAM memory going to prevent your laptop from getting hot? Lol i was thinking exactly the same ... Even java has a garbage collector So I don't see how this can improve anything ? xD H0ppy
  9. Indeed Just open multiple instances ... No need to allocate more then needed ^^
  10. Looks pretty decent! Will test this in 1 of my scripts! Thanks!! grtz H0ppy
  11. Wow really... Then he complains I'm a douchebag because apparently I didn't wrote my code... and i used adfly for some of them ... Well this is really awkward then -_- grtz H0ppy
  12. H0ppy

    vAgility AIO

    Very nice! I was creating a agil script too but i'm going to quit that anyway ^^ If you need any help, You know where to find me! Good luck! H0ppy
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