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  1. how many hours per day is this script safe to run
  2. script is broken does not work buyers beware!
  3. can you add to be able to use pool for stamina
  4. bot just stops in the middle lol heres error code [INFO][01/11 01:38:42 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.7.11! [INFO][01/11 01:38:47 PM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 219! [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:38:47 PM]: Initializing stealth injection bot... [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:38:47 PM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client parameters... [INFO][01/11 01:38:48 PM]: Script list refreshed and loaded 15 scripts. [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:38:50 PM]: Injected bot reference into client! [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:38:50 PM]: Injected 40 class and 340 field accessors! [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:38:50 PM]: Injected canvas! [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:38:55 PM]: Loading RS world : 22 [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:38:55 PM]: Initializing 39 API modules... [INFO][01/11 01:38:55 PM]: Started bot #1 [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:38:56 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:38:57 PM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:00 PM]: Login attempt; awaiting login state or common login code: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18 [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:06 PM]: Login completed. [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:06 PM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:08 PM]: BreakManager: We will bot for 832 minute(s) and break for 343 minute(s) [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:08 PM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:11 PM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:11 PM]: Scheduling script background executors [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:11 PM]: Mouse settings loaded for: iChico_305i:267642377 => 2.822112159478375:5:78:0.9214976680561597:486 [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:12 PM]: No breakfile found. [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:18 PM]: Saved settings [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:18 PM]: Khal BreakManager started! [WARN][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:18 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:18 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:18 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:18 PM]: Saved settings [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:30 PM]: banking - Check bank on start [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:32 PM]: banking - Check bank on start [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:34 PM]: Started random solver : BankPin Solver [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:34 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 0 [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:34 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 1 [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:35 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 1 [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:36 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 2 [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:37 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 3 [DEBUG][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:38 PM]: [BankPin] - Entering pin stage 3 [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:39 PM]: Random solver exited : BankPin Solver [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:39 PM]: Scheduling script background executors [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:39 PM]: banking - Check bank on start [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:41 PM]: banking - Check bank on start [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:50 PM]: Script Khal Guardians of the Rift has paused! [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 01:39:55 PM]: Script Khal Guardians of the Rift has resumed! [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:02:45 PM]: Script Khal Guardians of the Rift has paused! [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:02:56 PM]: Script Khal Guardians of the Rift has resumed! [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:02:58 PM]: Script Khal Guardians of the Rift has paused! [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:06:48 PM]: Script Khal Guardians of the Rift has resumed! [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:38:50 PM]: Walk to GOTR minigame [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:38:51 PM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:38:54 PM]: Login attempt; awaiting login state or common login code: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18 [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:39:03 PM]: Login completed. [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:39:03 PM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:39:05 PM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:39:09 PM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:39:09 PM]: Scheduling script background executors [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:39:10 PM]: Banking - Inventory contains loot [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:39:12 PM]: Banking - Inventory contains loot [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:39:13 PM]: Banking - Inventory contains loot [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:53:28 PM]: Script Khal Guardians of the Rift has paused! [INFO][Bot #1][01/11 03:53:32 PM]: Script Khal Guardians of the Rift has resumed! [ERROR][Bot #1][01/11 03:57:32 PM]: Error on event onStart()! java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.LocalPathFinder$TileNodeMap.recycle(ii:156) at org.osbot.ZB.IiIIiiIiiiI(nn:131) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.LocalPathFinder.findPath(ii:344) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.DynamicCircularPathFinder.construct(jj:128) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.DynamicCircularPathFinder.construct(jj:113) at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.DynamicCircularPathFinder.construct(jj:191) at org.osbot.rs07.event.WalkingEvent.iIiIIiiiIII(tl:456) at org.osbot.rs07.event.WalkingEvent.onStart(tl:533) at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.IiIIiiIiiiI(xm:213) at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(xm:145) at org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider.execute(yl:554) at org.khal.z.nUl.e(z:427) at org.khal.j.COn.e(jn:17) at org.khal.j.COn.D(jn:182) at org.khal.guardiansoftherift.z.nuL.h(dh:1678) at org.khal.guardiansoftherift.z.nuL.K(dh:1544) at org.khal.guardiansoftherift.z.nuL.V(dh:24) at org.khal.guardiansoftherift.KhalGuardiansOfTheRift.onLoop(dn:80) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(qo:93) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) also what settings i recommend for xp/points
  5. bot seems to not use pouches correctly loads and unloads but never uses whats inside the pouches so will go craft runes unload pouches instead of crafting again it will leave then goes to table and reputs the same ess inside pouches....
  6. laz1223

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey there can i have a trail of this script?
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