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  1. kenker


    He stated "coming soon" but hasn't visited OSBot in the past 2 weeks. Would be nice if he could post updates more regularly.
  2. Tried that multiple times, didn't fix it unfortunately. And banned now xD
  3. Script does not continue making potions after leveling up in mirror mode, so you can not go afk especially during early levels. Is this also mirror mode related?
  4. If you start the script while you have a ring of dueling equipped, the script will unequip the ring of dueling and keep that one in the inventory the entire time the script is running and will withdraw a new one from the bank which it will equip. So one inventory slot is always occupied by the ring of dueling. The ring of dueling is charged btw. So make sure to start the script without equipping a ring of dueling. Runecrafting lava runes with pure essence. Additional info/options: mirror mode, fire tiara, earth talisman, binding necklace, stamina potions, no abbys, no pouches and ring of dueling. Edit: this seems also be the case even if you do not start the script with a ring of dueling equipped? After a couple of runs it keeps one in the inventory. Edit 2: now it has 3 rings of dueling in inventory.
  5. Hi, may I get trial, please? Thank you
  6. Hi, can I get a trial, please? Thanks
  7. Hi Token, can I get a trial, please? Thanks
  8. Hi Khal, can I get a trial, please? Thanks
  9. Hi Khal, any chance I could get a trial, please? Thanks
  10. Ended up doing the dragon defender part manually, so unfortunately I have no screenshots I can share.
  11. Used the trial to get full void with all helmets. Amazing script.
  12. Script is very buggy in mirror mode in basement (dragon defender). Most of the time it spam clicks the door non-stop, walking in and out of the Cyclops area (other plays will definitely report you for this). For other defenders it works fine though.
  13. May I get a trial, please? Thanks dude.
  14. kenker


    When will this script be released with mirror mode support? Really looking forward to it.
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