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Everything posted by presleypen

  1. Czar, can I please have a short trial.
  2. thanks, how much would it be worth if it was just a regular account, ironman status is being removed as we speak.
  3. Bump pls, any opinions would be nice. Just want to get rid of this asap.
  4. PC on this ironman please. It is not a permanent ironman, so status can be removed in a maximum of 7 days if required. Does not have any offences, but has been botted an extremely minor amount a couple of years ago. Does not have any items/wealth besides untradeables. Does not have barrows gloves... I am the original owner Please let me know via PM or posting in this thread regarding any questions or details about the account.
  5. Level 3 Skiller http://pasteboard.co/BL9vnAe.png Cooking is 99 for those who are unsure. No bans or penalties ever.
  6. Hey could i please try this script out for a couple hours? will be happy to buy if its effective. Thanks so much.
  7. Plank make still isn't working as of 0.29, still inconsistently clicks on logs with converting into planks and fails to withdraw logs after banking planks.
  8. When is the update expected to be live?
  9. Bot doesn't bank the runes in 0.28 but refuses to gather desired logs which was oaks for me from the bank. Still not running properly.
  10. On V0.27 the script converts the logs very smoothly but banked the runes, so unfortunately this still isn't fixed ;(
  11. Alright thanks so much!, kind of new to botting sorry, when will the next version be released?
  12. Hi, the plank make option isn't working it often clicks on logs that are already converted and then bugs out and banks the cash stack, am i doing something wrong? Thanks.
  13. Hi!, can I please have a trial if runs well I would really like to buy this.
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