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Trade With Caution
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About Transaction

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  • Location:
    Plantation, Florida
  • Interests
    Playing runescape. doing services, having a good time.

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  1. This is pathetic, You can screenshot your buddies trade, and get double the money out of someone? Lieing about giving you the gold? when I did I say I will pay you the gold? I won't pay until I fully 100% have to, I think I still have a word in this dispute.
  2. How is this enough proof to go into his favor, once again, he could of traded ANYONE.
  3. http://gyazo.com/f941eeccd74bafce30b4d601ed7677db http://gyazo.com/b1cd400c52290a21cde826990a161da2 http://gyazo.com/521781060e3516eb8bda8917ac0d8f4b http://gyazo.com/6aae95cfe404dfb6b0999745d3d0b0db http://gyazo.com/2dac5218c05cc3922fda648b1632355b http://gyazo.com/c1cc33b1024f3acd2c2dc64484cf9797
  4. http://gyazo.com/ef056d20ab14c2d00b50879884091872 this is proof that I asked for my feedback. Should be enough to tell he is lieing
  5. Also, I did keep you on my skype and I did ask you for feedback, do not try to act like I did not ask you for the feedback.
  6. I did not receive the note in the first off, I asked you if you wanted a refund, did I not?
  7. Why exactly would I keep a person on my skype that called me a scammer in the first off, and messaging me non-sense that I do not want to here about
  8. First of all, I accepted the 37m. Anyone in the world can take a screenshot of a "declined trade offer" in-game, this does not prove that I did not accept the trade offer. You could of got anyone in the world to come to you, trade you, and then decline.
  9. Cinn took back his $114 on paypal when I sold this account to him....
  10. Welcome Rutsy! I hope to see some of your scripts Good luck
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