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  1. Thats pretty neat.. thanks for the feedback!
  2. Are you ever verifying your accounts after account creation, this can cause a lock. i normally just use a vpn to create the accounts. then get em off tutorial island before i use a proxy. i manually do tutorial island.
  3. Greetings, occasionally at times whenever i launch OSBot, it will be labeled as runelite. PICTURE BELOW Has anyone else encountered this before? is this something i should be careful of? do you think runelite is integrating my bot mechanics into runelite for a ban?
  4. Do you ever verify your accounts after creation
  5. From what i've learned tutorial island heavily monitored, my suggestion is just use runelite or the oldschool client and complete them manually..
  6. i love your muffins signature! looks like something from a food commercial! LOL
  7. For some reason it accidentally posted two threads, sorry about that! But okay then thats what i will have to do. Thanks for the help!
  8. Exploring the game and wiki is your best friend, im trying to accumulate some farms for myself.
  9. When i am creating new accounts to bot on, do i need to use a VPN on the runescape site when making an account? I am using these accounts to bot on, and wouldnt want my same ip to link to accounts that i wish to not be tracked for botting. Trying to identify the best option. Also, how do you create fake emails?
  10. When i am creating new accounts to bot on, do i need to use a VPN on the runescape site when making an account? I am using these accounts to bot on, and wouldnt want my same ip to link to accounts that i wish to not be tracked for botting. Trying to identify the best option. Also, how do you create fake emails?
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