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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Jalen

  1. Jalen


    didnt even crack a smile. 3/10
  2. i posted yesterday but he wasnt banned then so it was closed/deleted now he is banned on there
  3. Jalen


    where the pink hair pic at bro
  4. Jalen


    theres an exploit in wow atm where u can use 90 talents at any level
  5. id never trust anyone selling an account no matter what..chances are they will reecover the account it's only a matter of how long after you bought it
  6. mikasa is going to wreck u m8
  7. both scamquit catastrophe sold an acc and recovered it, same as debot
  8. post pics or no balls
  9. why the fuck would u get 99 def first if you are going for 99/99/99 attack is the most efficient to level first
  10. I don't like the top part, it looks weird.
  11. You can buy from a professional eloboosting website for a lot cheaper than that
  12. http://www.elophant.com you have to download it then open it, open league, and just click "save owned skins" inb4 "keylogger"
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