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Trade With Caution
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  1. Dude we out here holy shit

  2. Not to be blunt or anything but this is not that impressive and pretty redudant
  3. CLG, TSM is freelo AF
  4. I am going there too! Student from Belgium!
  5. I came here to see if I can get a free postcount Thread did not dissapoint
  6. Just a driveby post man, just a driveby
  7. The way a conditional sleep functions is amongst these lines : public boolean conditionalSleep(Condition c, long timeout) { Timer t = new Timer(timeout); while ((t.isRunning()) && (!c.validate())) { sleep(20); } c.validate(); return c.validate(); } Condition being following interface: public interface Condition { public boolean validate(); } Excuse the shit indentation :p
  8. If your script somehow has random shit in their inventory it wouldn't drop it (things like gems), which would slow down your xpph
  9. Good use of regex, thanks for the read ;)
  10. much processor, such processing, wow.
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