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Everything posted by Dex

  1. I requested @TrapMan to reply here and placed him in TWC. Can you provide extra evidence please? I can't find feedback for when he sold you the account or a thread.
  2. Great dispute, really enjoyed the read. I already often wonder if I'm getting too old for this but thanks for reminding me. Since both of you are acting like idiots I'll ban both of you for 24 hours. Feel free to appeal when the 24 hours are over.
  3. He's been banned from the cb for 24 hours.
  4. Doesn't look like he's on OSBot so I'm going to lock and archive this.
  5. Dex

    Name Change

    Not sure if you can take his name, he has a fair amount of activity on his account. You'll have to ask @Maldesto.
  6. Can't find anything on OSBot other than the fact that @Manner once traded him, or at least did an MM request for a trade with him. Could've been offsite though. @Manner do you recall if he has an OSBot account?
  7. This ^ Be a little bit more active and gain more postcount (but not by spamming)
  8. What are you going to spend the 1.5b on though? The duel arena?
  9. @Seth758 I'm sorry but even with the extra screenshots there's not much we can do unfortunately. This still doesn't mean that @lol123jer took the items.
  10. Alright, if @gearing has any extra evidence that might help your case we will wait for him to post it here.
  11. This is one of those cases where it's impossible to determine who did what. The screenshots only show the black mask being sold in the GE, before that we can see the supplies were bought for fight caves. In the bank there are no placeholders or any other factor that hints to the items being there in the first place. Even if there were it would still be impossible for us to tell who actually took the items since 3 people were able to access the account at the time. I'm sorry but unfortunately you will have to take the loss on this one.
  12. We're still awaiting the screenshots @Seth758 Without any evidence this is his word against yours and there's not much we can do.
  13. No, that's the one I'm still playing on. Never botted that one.
  14. Haven't botted on my current main account at all. Been 2 years since I last botted and still playing the game legit.
  15. Moved this to the correct section. I doubt that it was the script but to be sure, which script were you using?
  16. Dex


    There are RDP apps available for Android so yes, it is possible.
  17. @rich hannah can you please provide us an update?
  18. @tenalt1, if you cannot provide us the requested evidence within 24 hours I'm going to have to close this dispute.
  19. Please provide a bigger screenshot as @Mio already asked. We're also going to need the full conversation and a screenshot with the Skype ID and the conversation visible in the background. I assume those things are not accounted for in the current screenshot.
  20. I think you want to become a writer, that was a good read. Anyway, welcome back!
  21. Damnn, looks really nice!
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