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Hi im pleb

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Everything posted by Hi im pleb

  1. Yeh time to get into scripting, or just make free scripts like acerd
  2. Topic. Add skype plebrs07 we can use middleman if you're not trusted. If you are trusted I can go first
  3. Sorry but gotta say that name is epic
  4. Rip 140m indeed if you don't have the account recovery info as well
  5. what even is this damn daniel meme
  6. if you botted 90 magic in one week no wonder you got perma banned..
  7. Are you buying full 30m or can do lower
  8. When you launch mirror mode the second client has to run the official 07 client not the osbuddy or runeloader client.
  9. Hi im pleb

    Read me

    you mentioned vegan two times
  10. Hey so I'm pretty new to botting and I had this question: a) what exactly do proxies do? b) where can I buy them (links)?
  11. Hey can I try out the trial version
  12. http://prntscr.com/a5havo I can get to the start button if I move my taskbar to the upper part of my screen then raising the client and moving the taskbar back down
  13. Hey Khal I've got your trial version and tried out 1-44 rc, so when I tried to go for the "advanced tab" or whatever is it called for the RoD fire runes the HUD of the thing is bigger than my screen so I was unable to click the start button lol, could you possibly fix that
  14. I remember mithril bars to mithril graps was something like 250 gp to 10k. Not sure if they will sell or if they are the same price
  15. Well it will not "obviously do it" because I already fixed it w/o reinstalling the windows anyhow thanks for the help!
  16. Tried everything (except reinstalling my windows) Any other solutions? Because I installed the same copy of windows on my laptop and it works perfectly fine on it
  17. So today I ran into this problem: I was running osbuddy fine with one bot on the side, since I got vip today I decided to try out the "mirror client", some lads in the chat box helped me out that I need the official 07 client to run it. I didn't use the client for a while so I didn't realise that I had this problem: when I try to launch it, it pops up with a message "jagexlauncher.exe has stopped working" then when I click "close the program" another message pops up with a message " The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005). Click OK to close the application" I have no clue what to do! Apparently it has nothing to do with java (atleast I think so) because I launched osrs client on my pc which didn't even have java installed! I scanned my pc and there was no malware or anything, I have no idea what to do so help me out people! ALREADY SOLVED IT MYSELF THANKS
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