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  1. do u offer trials? i'd love one!
  2. just so if i end up making a new account i have an idea thanks
  3. lots of breaks and 1 tick
  4. decided to show this proggie awesome script used to since level one!
  5. The course the bug is on:falador A brief description of the bug:gets stuck on the last obstacle before u finish the lap Picture of where the bug occurs (helpful, if possible):cant do it atm Picture of the logger when the bug occurs: normal logger no error The obstacle before the bug: crossing most eastern roof top The obstacle after the bug:finish of course
  6. i've seen account similar with zero questing go for 140-180
  7. has demon butler been fixed? also when i do oak dinning table it makes oak kitchen table and freezes not sure what it is
  8. having a few issues with bot, i believe they have been addressed but i watched it do it 4 times just now. after a full inv of paydirt it will just stop moving all together and then after i drop dirt and get ore it stops moving then randomly works... sorry i couldn't provide more info just a loner stoner trying not to mine
  9. i botted coal power mining for 92 hours
  10. can i get a trial? and does the script able to do rock gems? can i get a trial? and does the script able to do rock gems? can i get a trial? and does the script able to do rock gems?
  11. bunnie

    bot help?

    i start the bot click the account to use then it sits at applying client injections/modifications anyone able to help? it sits at this screen for 15+ mins
  12. i botted an account that has a 1900+ skill total botting only on osrs and still use it, no black marks or anything. longest botting proggie was 92 hours at range guild with a 15 min break every 3 hours
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