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Trade With Caution
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About JaskoKing

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  1. So I managed to try it out a little bit, but I have 1 problem and a few questions. First of all, what do "move mouse randomly", "simulate afk behaviour" and "script fatique" all do? I also tried enabling "hover over next ore" but when using m3d3 drop method it seems to be going to the 4th one every time and when it gets the 3rd ore it drops it, a real person wouldn't do that, a real person would already know he will get 3rd one so he would drop it, but it's an easy bypass, just no need to use this feature in combination with m3d3. Otherwise this script is very good and I can see myself using it all the time in the future! Also, I'm a guy who prefers to have a less efficient bot and risk less when it comes to bans, so I would prefer to have the option how fast the bot goes from 1 location to another be it from 1 ore to another or simply dropping each individual ore to the ground, since at the moment it really is too fast for my taste and it looks botlike, but that may be just me.
  2. Could I please get a trial?
  3. Hey, what does "good autoclicker" mean? I made my own script in a macro recorder and all it does it waits 1.4 seconds and adds a random delay from 0 to 100ms each time, as well as taking breaks in between.. Would that do fine?
  4. I'm trying it out as I'm writing this and I have to say it looks very botlike.. The movement, the speed (too fast), pretty much 0 delay between clicks as well just gets me thinking I would get banned if I used this for more than 30 mins each session.. (trying to do lava runes)
  5. Hey, I would like to get a free trial, if possible. Thanks!
  6. Well, info about xp, boosted skills and runtime goes away, maybe it's just the client being weird
  7. Hey man I bought the script, but it seems that after some time the GUI goes away, but the script works normally, also when the script is running and "disable input" is checked when I move my mouse inside the client it registers it like the script would be stopped or input would be enabled, other than that the script is perfect as last tested.
  8. Thank you so much for the answer. I just like to be safe. I do not like the break handler in the client (using the logout button), but I think a macro would help a lot to just pause the script every x hours and restart it after x minutes, that would add to the "afk" method even more, because I doubt anyone has done more than 2-3 hours without afking for 10-15 minutes after crabs stopped being aggressive. What do you think? Edit : I wanted to know when does the script drink the potions, because I haven't been paying attention to that at all. PS - sorry for wasting your time, I feel a bit annoying with my questions, lol
  9. I don't know if you are the right guy to ask, but I think the biggest danger of Jagex recognizing someone as a bot while botting the "afk" way is the client autologin I think. Would it be possible to change the way it works, to change the delay between them, to change the delay between each letter is typed in, etc.? Btw, I would not like to use the option that moves my camera, because I have never done that on my account and it would perhaps counter my own playing pattern from before. Thanks for the answer. Edit : how does the "drink potions" option work? I didn't pay attention to that
  10. Could I possible also get another 6 hour trial, I didn't know there was an option to move the mouse out of the screen
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