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  1. Pricing: Runecrafting: non-lunars 1-50 at 150gp/xp 50-75 at 130gp/xp 75-99 at 100gp/xp (100k exp minimum) With lunars & 82 magic 1-50 at 140gp/xp 50-75 at 120gp/xp 75-99 at 90gp/xp (100k exp minimum) Prayer: 15-20gp/exp (prices vary depending on bones used) (no requirements) Agility: contact us for rates SKILLING OUTFITS? i.e: full graceful, prospector's, etc., we can do them all, contact us ANY OTHER SKILLS? PM or message me on Discord Contact My discord: switch#7274 (no caps!) unique ID: 235061443005906944 Terms of Service
  2. can workers bring the master binding necklaces for lavas?
  3. Is there any chance you can implement slaves trading binding necklaces? Edit:saw your post about you having a sceipt that trades both binding necks and talismans, if its private id be interested in buying. Unless you plan on bringing it public
  4. for lavas: is it possible to have slaves bring ess+talisman/ binding neck periodically? and also is it possible to have slaves use pouches/ cast "npc contact" for pouch repair? now that zmi is nerfed edit: if this is implemented, script should most definitely be increased in price atleast 3x lmao
  5. great script!!!! it doesnt eat summer pies however :/. Definitley needs to be implemented or atleast recognize as a food.
  6. do you mind me asking, where is a good place to get proxies?
  7. where's a good place to buy proxies? or are they useless
  8. no i don't, but i mean it does it regardless, even if i had the items in the bank or on my character before starting the script at all ( as in my first time running it for the day).
  9. is there a way to find past logs?
  10. nah, regular client my man
  11. Junk: buying junk accs up to 20m 07 (firm/ 10 accs) ZMI: buying zmi runners up to 65m ea junk accs: option 1:must have full/near full graceful 40+ wc 50+ mining or: option 2: full graceful, lunar diplomacy completed or: option2: full graceful/ 70+ mining/lunar dip completed zmi accs: must have full graceful 71+ mage and lunar dip completed 75+ rc discord: switch#7274 unique ID: 235061443005906944
  12. sometimes it forgets to buy/use teleports and just walks through quests also: doest know how to use quest items that are already pre-bought in bank, for example : if i start the bot and it buys all supplies but it makes a mistake--like not teleporting-- and i have to restart it , it will go back and re-purchase the quest supplies
  13. bot stuck at g.e entrance (wanted it to chop g.e south trees, got stuck once it moved inside g.e wall) : https://gyazo.com/61a140ffb26d506a017ae49ad87000d0 bot 2 cant relocate to draynor after chopping oaks in varry, moved it to draynor my self, wont chop willows :https://gyazo.com/adb3b2f7599594fbe659a67461fba7d1 https://gyazo.com/26dc6d89617d38494f8787eabde61107 restarted bot in draynor, just wont cut period: https://gyazo.com/4fdc0ae1bbaa2afc98069e3f31aa4b44 works for rimmington however
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