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Everything posted by Knuckolls

  1. have you ever played a game where you got to cheat a little and it felt fun? the reason I used to bot is because I enjoyed leveling and unlocking new game content without having to manually grind it out myself. until in 2013 I got banned. nowadays you'll mostly see it for prepping accounts for higher tier content farming (i.e a zulrah bot, Corporeal beast farm) or for f2p/p2p goldfarming. idk what it is about botting in runescape but it almost adds a DLC to the game that you can never master and always has a changing difficulty level which adds more depth to the game (script development, dodging botwatch/Jmods) and then also has lucrative real life rewards (selling gold/accounts) Botting is what you make it. and also @Dbuffed also explained a couple other aspects of what botting's purpose is.
  2. Priceless. Its your main. buuuut if I was to guess, considering its not combat maxed for staking/high level PVE and seemingly without a single 99 I would say maybe 60-100M to the right person? Edit: upon being banned and told otherwise I concur with @Lost Panda
  3. your totally fine. hope you can get the help you require. have a great day.
  4. Contact an moderator or administrator. I'm sure @Decode would be more than willing to help you out. Also there is a subforum you need to fill something out in but I'm blanking on that.
  5. I just want my roommates to earn their keep, so a little quest/services/goldfarming sweat shop shouldn't be too far out of the picture right x) And we'd all be on different machines, and can each provide ID, voice chat, skype what have it with the staff team. (what would be against the rules is to have them working on orders posing as me, therefore I wanted to address this) also what happens if lets say I didn't tell them about osbot and they actually unbeknownst to me had already joined the forum? and then I get home log in and the admins see 2-3 people on the forums from the same IP address? or what happens if 2 college roomates do the same thing? there are so many unknowns and this was very grey in the rules and no one has addressed this to my knowledge. It's like how Jagex had to realize siblings can all play in the same house at the same time and its not one person using multiple accounts back in the day when multiple log ins banning was a thing.
  6. Just search around in the botting & bans subforum and a few others. I'm sure you'll be able to answer questions through your own research.
  7. exactly why I am asking ahead of time. I feel like there needs to be some clarification on the matter, I'm looking forward to seeing what the staff team has to say on the matter.
  8. So I have 2 Roomate’s back in Florida (I will be getting off deployment soon and talked to them about starting services and such for RuneScape) anyways my 2 Roomate’s want to join the forum and learn the trade (both have played for years on RS and botted here and there) concerning the “multiple accounts issue” would there be a concern from staff that would warrant them from not being able to do so? they would be working and listed on my services thread, doing work for me, but all three of us would be using the same router. Would this pose a problem? im asking because I don’t want to cause an issue in a few weeks when I teach them everything and have them create accounts on here to interact with the community. For staff confirming purposes I am totally fine with doing a independent Identity verification via Drivers Licenses to prove that they are indeed real people. Thank you if a staff member can shed some light on this.
  9. I hope you know when I get home to my laptop this is going in my Signature. ?????
  10. Lol I know mang, and I was just playin anyways ?
  11. Lol nerd it was my 1200 PC not yours
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