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Trade With Caution
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About strifemoba

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Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. strifemoba

    Risk Fighting

    You can make more PROFIT than staking in the long run if you are a good pker. I myself was doing 10M risk fight in pvp non +1 world, but could barely get a fight.
  2. Happens to me from time to time. Restart chrome
  3. Was playing main legit with a 2 days ban + 6 accs botting on the side with all the same IPs. got 4 of my 6 botters banned and my main is fine.
  4. it's a nearly maxed total account so I'm pretty sure it's not because I didn't play enough that the bar didn't go down Was wondering if it was worth botting again to get another 2 days, but looks like I will not ;)
  5. Will my next ban be perm or 2 days?
  6. I appealed on a 2013 acc that got banned in EoC Let's see
  7. Supporting private red chin area?
  8. strifemoba


    Support private hunter area?
  9. Botted about 800k Xp ZMI to finish my 99. 37k xp/h Alright bot for ZMI didn't try other script
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