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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/25 in all areas

  1. β™”CzarScripts #1 Bots β™” Proven the #1 selling, most users, most replies Script Series on the market. Big THANK YOU to all our wonderful users and supporters over the 8 years, we couldn't have done it without you. Czar Bots have always been the Best and the most Feature-rich bots available with the most total sales in OSBot history. Come and find out why everyone is choosing Czar Bots today. β™” LATEST BOTS β™” If you want a trial - just post the script name and it will be activated after I hit 'like' on your post Requirements: hit 'like' on this thread
    3 points
  2. Brought to you by the #1 most sold script series on the market. Come and see why everyone's choosing Czar Scripts! This is the most advanced Agility bot you will find anywhere. $9.99 SCRIPT INSTRUCTIONS Optimal Setup for the bot: Please set the mouse zoom to far away (to the left, like below) so that more obstacles can be seen in the view, and so the script can be more stable and reliable Also, make sure to have roofs toggled off (either go to settings tab or type ::toggleroof) for optimal results
    1 point
  3. Want to buy with OSGP? Contact me on Discord! Detailed feature list: - Quest support - Varrock museum quiz - Eagles peak (Coming soon!) - Bird hunting - Crimson swift (Feldip hunter area, Isle of Souls) - Copper longtail (Isle of Souls, Kourend woodland, Piscatoris hunter area) - Cerulean twitch (Rellekka hunter area) - Tropical wagtail (Feldip hunter area) - Net Trapping - Swamp lizard (Haunted woods, Slepe) - Red salamander (Ouriana altar) - Tecu salamader (Varlamore) - Black salamders (Wilderness) - Deadfall trapping - Wild kebbit (Piscatoris hunter area) - Barb-tailed kebbit (Feldip hunter area) - Prickly kebbit (Piscatoris hunter area) - Sabre-toothed kebbit (Relekka hunter area) - Pyre fox (Varlamore) - Falconry - Spotted kebbit - Dark kebbit - Dashing kebbit - Box trapping - Ferret (Piscatoris hunter area) - Embertail jerboa (Varlamore East + West) - Grey chinchompa (Piscatoris hunter area, Ilse of Souls, Kourend woodland) - Red chinchompa (Feldip hunter area, Prifddinas, Private hunting ground) - Menu invokes (Stealth client only) - CLI support for goldfarmers Custom Breakmanager: - Setup Bot and break times - Randomize your break times - Stop script on certain conditions (Stop on first break, Stop after X amount of minutes, Stop when skill level is reached) - Worldhopping - Crucial part to botting in 2023! Script queueing: - Support queueing multiple script in a row - All Khal scripts support flawless transitions in between scripts - Start creating your acc in a few clicks from scratch to multiple 99's - Flawless CLI support - Learn more here: How to use CLI parameters: - Example Usage: -script 1225:ScriptFile.BreakFile.DiscordFile SAVEFILE = Saved Filename BREAKFILE = Breakmanager Filename DISCORDFILE= discordSettings Filename - SAVEFILE: Save file can be created in the GUI. Navigate to the tab you want to run and press "Save As CLI file". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - BREAKFILE (Optional): Breakfile can also be create in the GUI, set the breaksettings you wish to use and press "Save new CLI BreakFile". Please choose your filename wisely (No special characters) - Final form (Note that with some bot manager you do not need to specify '-script 1225'): -script 1225:TaskFile1.4515breaks (With breaks) -script 1225:TaskFile1.4515breaks.discord1 (With breaks & discord) -script 1225:TaskFile1..discord1 (NO breaks & discord, leave 2nd parameter empty)
    1 point
  4. By Czar 99 in one go!!! Multiple 99s in 1 sitting!!!!! Features List - Supports 4 locations, with randomisation options (Randomise all, randomise north-only, randomise south-only) - Supports taking the axe for woodcutting, if not already equipped/held - Supports taking all equipment including Tinderbox, knife, unfinished potions from crates - Prepares for matches early, and waits around the brazier if you selected to light them (For +25 initial points) - Supports waiting at the safezone after winning the match (at 500 points) to preserve food - Supports training agility via the northern agility steppe - Knows exactly which external actions interrupt your current action, and plans accordingly - Identifies cold snaps and either avoids them completely, or randomises between avoiding and tolerating them - Allows you to fletch logs before burning them for a more balanced experience gain - Choose to optionally switch to other sectors if pyromancer is dying - Identifies pyromancer health, brazier repaired, brazier lit at all times - Knows exactly how many points our current inventory holds (in terms of burning logs) - Gets 1-50 firemaking: locked to maximum of 50 firemaking, and locked to Grand Exchange only. - Buys a player-owned-house via the Varrock Estate agent if you don't already own one (Optional) - Identifies if the account has visited Zeah before, and plans ahead. - Will travel to Zeah by ship to unlock it for newer accounts (Highly useful for goldfarming!) - Resupplies food, jewellery and teleports via the Grand Exchange - Teleports to Grand Exchange supported: Ring of wealth, Varrock teleport tab, Varrock spell (runes only!), Amulet of glory, Home teleport (Lumbridge/Edgeville) - Teleports to Wintertodt Camp supported: Games necklace, walking - Allows you to filter and join matches when a certain % of the game is already active, so wait for next match if below X% - Either holds onto crates, banks them or opens them - up to you! - Supports choosing your own food, choosing when to eat (eat %), choosing minimum to leave match for, and amount to withdraw - Upgrades to pyromancer gear when applicable - Identifies when you get a Phoenix pet - Buys warm clothing that your account is able to wear, filters by skill requirement. - Stop notifications tab (similar to Perfect Fighter): allows you to choose when to stop the bot, or when to alert/notify you - Stop the script at ANY moment in time, after X minutes/hours/seconds, after X wins, after X item gained (pet too!), after X experience gained & more! Buying Warm Clothing (3 missing pieces)! Results
    1 point
  5. Did the script ever get updated to the new mlm setup?
    1 point
  6. GOTR seems really smooth, Been at it about an hour now. And thanks for the welcome back, was roped into my old GIM team so im just gonna bot supplies for the gang lol
    1 point
  7. Features: - Solves Varrock Museum Quiz - Cleans finds, gets necklace, gets lamps - Drops junk items while cleaning finds - Fills in display cases - Hands in quests for kudos (see wiki for quests) (Note: this bot will not complete any quests!) Post below to ask for a trial! Progress: 53 lamps all spent on farming:
    1 point
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