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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Illumi Illumi 08/25/13 Sold 3.4mill ohhungry ohhungry
Jordan Jordan 08/25/13 Middlemanned my 3.4m for $7.48 trade, thanks Illumi Illumi
HellenWong HellenWong 08/25/13 Sold the gold and got the money! Very fast! A+ Jack Jack
Jack Jack 08/25/13 bought 07 gold ,trade smoothly , ty HellenWong HellenWong
dietdew1 dietdew1 08/25/13 this person did chargeback dont buy from them GPdispensary GPdispensary
tgod 420 tgod 420 08/25/13 sold 10m trade went well GPdispensary GPdispensary
Illumi Illumi 08/25/13 Sold 11m, was quick and will sell to again. Ricky Ricky
Ricky Ricky 08/25/13 Bought 11m off him, thanks Illumi Illumi
Divica Divica 08/25/13 Middlemanned my 11m for $25.85 trade, thanks Illumi Illumi
Divica Divica 08/25/13 MM'ed a 11m trade for me. Thanks alot Ricky Ricky
Jeff Jeff 08/24/13 Sold 5Mil easy trade no problems :D Ash Ash
Ash Ash 08/24/13 Bought 5m off him Jeff Jeff
Rum Rum 08/24/13 He bought 13m from me. Great buyer Gold4Rs Gold4Rs
Rum Rum 08/24/13 Sold 12m. Great guy. Joshh Joshh
Rum Rum 08/24/13 Bought 1m as a tester and it was very quick, very easy Joshh Joshh
Ash Ash 08/24/13 Bought 5m off him, he went first Illumi Illumi
Illumi Illumi 08/24/13 Sold 5Mil easy trade no problems :D Ash Ash
HellenWong HellenWong 08/24/13 Sold 50m Jeff Jeff
Jeff Jeff 08/24/13 bought 07 gold ,trade smoothly , ty HellenWong HellenWong
Jeff Jeff 08/24/13 I bought a $10 voucher. It was so well. I can't describe it. Breath taking. TheSaint TheSaint
Declan Services Declan Services 08/24/13 The "Scammed" feedback i stated before is false i misread what he had said PwneRL33T PwneRL33T
dharmaaa dharmaaa 08/24/13 Sold a Pure, Gave account up front, Payed me 12 hours later like promised. Ragnar Ragnar
Ricky Ricky 08/24/13 bought 10m good seller l3reed l3reed
l3reed l3reed 08/24/13 Sold 10m to him. Was quick and we took anti scam precautions Ricky Ricky
Divica Divica 08/24/13 MM'ed a 10m trade for me. Ricky Ricky
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