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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
BawsZ BawsZ 09/03/13 sold 55m! was first and got the money in 30 sec! amazing buyer Royal Services Royal Services
Skype Skype 09/03/13 MM 30m eoc trade to 3m 07gp Zudikas123 Zudikas123
sn00zz sn00zz 09/03/13 Sold 1 pin, fast & smooth trade! Skype Skype
Skype Skype 09/03/13 bought a pin from him, smooth deal sn00zz sn00zz
Quitted Quitted 09/03/13 just scammed me in pin trade 13teen 13teen
Dylan Dylan 09/03/13 Sold him a pin. I went first, he can be trusted with others money. Great guy!!!! Quitted Quitted
Quitted Quitted 09/03/13 sold me a pin earlier a++ Dylan Dylan
Puzzlez Puzzlez 09/03/13 Sold him 25M! Good seller! Would love to sell more! Rest Rest
Rest Rest 09/03/13 Sold me 25M, went smooth, thanks looking forward to buying again! Puzzlez Puzzlez
solononforever solononforever 09/03/13 Sold 12m 07 gp Occazn Occazn
Occazn Occazn 09/03/13 Great fast service ordered 12M helpful+ patient. Will be ordering again solononforever solononforever
Z3zima Z3zima 09/03/13 sold him a voucher fast and easy thnx BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/03/13 Great and Fast Person! Sold me Voucher! thank you very much! super legit Z3zima Z3zima
BawsZ BawsZ 09/03/13 sold 50m rsgp 07 huge vouche Bot4life Bot4life
Guest Guest 09/03/13 Sold pin for 2m Ricky Ricky
Ricky Ricky 09/03/13 bought pin for 2m ty ricky ily Guest Guest
lol07pker lol07pker 09/03/13 Bought netflix 1 month for 1m, awesome price deathcommon deathcommon
deathcommon deathcommon 09/03/13 Sold him netflix for 1m OSGP he went first lol07pker lol07pker
Mackadizzle Mackadizzle 09/03/13 swapped gp 1.7m for 14m eoc fast n easy thnx BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/03/13 swapped some 07 for EOC, quick trade! Mackadizzle Mackadizzle
Dashboard Dashboard 09/03/13 Sold him Advertising space, thanks m8 Guest Guest
Guest Guest 09/03/13 Paid him to advertise SuperScript Factory in his sig Dashboard Dashboard
Dylan Dylan 09/03/13 Sold him a dedicated server. Khanz Khanz
Khanz Khanz 09/03/13 is helping me setup $160 vps server. great guy thanks Dylan Dylan
Brozu Brozu 09/03/13 Great guy, understanding. Very trustworthy Saewolf Saewolf
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