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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
DPSkillaS DPSkillaS 09/08/13 bought 21.5 swag swag ty BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/08/13 Sold 21.5m, fast payment as always DPSkillaS DPSkillaS
Dashboard Dashboard 09/08/13 Paid me for a SDN SuperScript Icon <3 Jordan Jordan
Jordan Jordan 09/08/13 Paid him $5.00 for the SuperScript SDN icon Dashboard Dashboard
DKEsome DKEsome 09/08/13 sold him a pin fast and easy thnx BawsZ BawsZ
Ash Ash 09/08/13 sold him 07 gold nice guy ausbear ausbear
BawsZ BawsZ 09/08/13 thank you. will buy more:) darkxor darkxor
SshinigamiS SshinigamiS 09/08/13 Got me a torso no problems went clean! :) hajo007 hajo007
BawsZ BawsZ 09/08/13 great sold me a pin DKEsome DKEsome
Alex Alex 09/08/13 Made my computer faster, and was very patient and helpful! TR33 TR33
TR33 TR33 09/08/13 Did many many tweaks to his computer, All went well and I was paid. Thanks! Alex Alex
Alex Alex 09/08/13 my computer legitimately runs faster now argusomega argusomega
runebotter runebotter 09/08/13 Got him 30-60! Nice guy! :) Would love to do more. Rest Rest
BawsZ BawsZ 09/08/13 bought a pin, ty :p sn00zz sn00zz
Rest Rest 09/08/13 thanks alot bro for 30-60 range fast cheap i will come back very shortly thanks runebotter runebotter
Zerkertank Zerkertank 09/08/13 sold membership lukrecijus lukrecijus
JamelxD JamelxD 09/08/13 got him tutorial island and waterfall quest x2 ty Violent Violent
Violent Violent 09/08/13 Done tutorial island and waterfall quest for me x2 went well. JamelxD JamelxD
lukrecijus lukrecijus 09/08/13 good guy 100% legit 100% Zerkertank Zerkertank
argusomega argusomega 09/08/13 Bought 1 pin from him, He went first, Thanks! Alex Alex
berrow berrow 09/08/13 sold him 5 santa hats =] Primeape Primeape
Syche Syche 09/08/13 so far so good solononforever solononforever
solononforever solononforever 09/08/13 Sold him an account... he went first no problems :) Syche Syche
Xexo Xexo 09/08/13 Sold a pin lukrecijus lukrecijus
lukrecijus lukrecijus 09/08/13 Fast & Cheap. Thanks Xexo Xexo
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