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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
breezin36 breezin36 09/26/13 sold him 1 account, thanks! Prefraud Prefraud
peter123456 peter123456 09/26/13 sold him 1 account, thanks! Prefraud Prefraud
2pac 2pac 09/26/13 Helped refer members to my guide, paid him $5.00 a person, thanks mayne Guest Guest
Bob Barker Bob Barker 09/26/13 Got me void! Realy friendly and trustworthy! Hanswurst Hanswurst
Prefraud Prefraud 09/26/13 smooth trade he got me a lv 3 acc peter123456 peter123456
Guest Guest 09/26/13 paid me 5$ for referring someone to buy his guide 2pac 2pac
Prefraud Prefraud 09/26/13 Very fast and trustworthy, sold me a nice level 3 in no time :) breezin36 breezin36
Prefraud Prefraud 09/26/13 bought one level 3 flaxspinner flaxspinner
Divica Divica 09/26/13 Bought 177M for nearly 400$ I went first. Very relaxed trade! awesome person B2B B2B
B2B B2B 09/26/13 sold him 200m 07 via MB, ty :) Divica Divica
Divica Divica 09/26/13 such an amazing person to buy from. 3 purchases. All $100+, loved her services. ibotrs313 ibotrs313
Guest Guest 09/26/13 Bought the GF guide. Fast and friendly. Skimming through it, so much detail!! :D Rah Rah
Rah Rah 09/26/13 Thanks for the fast buy! If you need help let me know! Guest Guest
Randy Randy 09/26/13 such a nice guy! smooth trade! Cinnamon Cinnamon
Cinnamon Cinnamon 09/26/13 trade was smooth Randy Randy
Divica Divica 09/26/13 Literally took 1 min to buy a pin, fastest and easier deal so far lol LeBron LeBron
LeBron LeBron 09/26/13 sold him a 30 day upgrade for 07gp ty Divica Divica
ohhungry ohhungry 09/26/13 sold him 2 pins thanks I WENT FIRST BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/26/13 Bought 2 pins, thanks ohhungry ohhungry
Cinnamon Cinnamon 09/26/13 sold him 2 accounts, thanks! Prefraud Prefraud
Prefraud Prefraud 09/26/13 Sold me two accounts! He so fast I love this guy! Cinnamon Cinnamon
bigm0ma bigm0ma 09/26/13 Did quests for him =] Xexo Xexo
Xexo Xexo 09/26/13 Done 2 quests for me, fast/reliable! bigm0ma bigm0ma
Brozu Brozu 09/26/13 sold him my guide, was quick ty :) Guest Guest
Amber Heard Amber Heard 09/26/13 worker did for him fast and easy thanks BawsZ BawsZ
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