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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
beastlymaul beastlymaul 09/28/13 MM'd transaction. Did a great job. gfir3 gfir3
BawsZ BawsZ 09/28/13 Bought vip, pin, two fresh lvl 3's Excell Excell
connerd connerd 09/28/13 Sold him level 3 for 1.5 he went first PullsOut PullsOut
visceral visceral 09/28/13 thanks, easy and fast! Zappa Zappa
connerd connerd 09/28/13 Quick to respond, went first and all went smoothly. 1337n00b 1337n00b
PullsOut PullsOut 09/28/13 A++ seller. Sold me a level 3 account for 1.5m and even did tutorial island. connerd connerd
BawsZ BawsZ 09/28/13 Sold 10m. QBots QBots
Wray Wray 09/28/13 sold him a pin fast and easy thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/28/13 Sold me a membership pin. Smooth trade. Wray Wray
Gimp Gimp 09/28/13 Very nice kind person that traded her time to help me out :)! timka timka
Polo Polo 09/28/13 sold him membership ty Violent Violent
Dashboard Dashboard 09/28/13 Sold him 20M 07GP, went great!! YoHoJo YoHoJo
YoHoJo YoHoJo 09/28/13 Bought 20m off of him. He went first. Great guy! Dashboard Dashboard
Violent Violent 09/28/13 Bought a membership from him, thanks! Polo Polo
Zappa Zappa 09/28/13 sold him a signature + 180x180 script avatar visceral visceral
Zappa Zappa 09/28/13 sold me some 07 fast and easy thanks BawsZ BawsZ
BawsZ BawsZ 09/28/13 thanks, easy and fast! Zappa Zappa
BawsZ BawsZ 09/28/13 fast and good kuanjit999 kuanjit999
Studskilla Studskilla 09/28/13 Got me 2 Runescape quests done for a total of 300K OSgp. He/she went first. Goku1 Goku1
Goku1 Goku1 09/28/13 Did 2 quests for him, i went first. Studskilla Studskilla
juancholama juancholama 09/28/13 Good buisness cmndre cmndre
dylanjfields dylanjfields 09/28/13 We did a trade. He/she went first. Goku1 Goku1
Goku1 Goku1 09/28/13 Sold 1 membership pin fast legit dylanjfields dylanjfields
Zur Zur 09/28/13 Bought a banner from him for $7, works very well and fast, thanks Popular Popular
BawsZ BawsZ 09/27/13 sold 10m, easy and fast! ridnem ridnem
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