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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
quinten quinten 10/27/13 Bought 24m, he went first ScorpioZ ScorpioZ
ScorpioZ ScorpioZ 10/27/13 sold 24m ligit :) quinten quinten
BawsZ BawsZ 10/27/13 Good and fast transaction cmndre cmndre
Meruzi Meruzi 10/27/13 bought his 50m thanks BawsZ BawsZ
YoHoJo YoHoJo 10/27/13 sold 3m, fast and smooth Baller Baller
Baller Baller 10/27/13 Bought 3M RS07, went great! YoHoJo YoHoJo
Meruzi Meruzi 10/27/13 Did dream mentor and eadgars ruse, definate value for money a++ lawlz1 lawlz1
Amber Heard Amber Heard 10/27/13 I bought 6 accounts Blue Blue
NoobyOllie NoobyOllie 10/27/13 Swapped 21m RS3 for his 2.1m 07. Fast trading with no issues A+ No Lifer No Lifer
No Lifer No Lifer 10/27/13 Traded 2.1M 07 for 21M eoc! Went smooth with no VMM, It wasnt needed <3 NoobyOllie NoobyOllie
HellenWong HellenWong 10/27/13 bought 300m eoc, thanks Elysian Elysian
Elysian Elysian 10/27/13 sold him 300m eoc gold , all good now ! HellenWong HellenWong
bikerboy bikerboy 10/27/13 Sold a pin to. Great buyer Ricky Ricky
Ricky Ricky 10/27/13 Bought pin, was very friendly and trustworthy. Recommended. bikerboy bikerboy
iRage iRage 10/27/13 Swapped 16m Rs3 gold for his 07. Fast trading with no issues A+ No Lifer No Lifer
No Lifer No Lifer 10/27/13 Vouching, exchanged 07 to 16m eoc, I went first without middlemen and it was pro iRage iRage
3lv3nz 3lv3nz 10/27/13 Did 5 quests for me really fast, thanks ohhungry ohhungry
ohhungry ohhungry 10/27/13 Did 5 quests for him smooth he is very nice to speak with. A++ 3lv3nz 3lv3nz
Hades Hades 10/27/13 thank you, fast and great service Dat weed Dat weed
BawsZ BawsZ 10/27/13 Sold him 50m 07 quick and good prices Meruzi Meruzi
Hades Hades 10/27/13 did a service dannyali2123 dannyali2123
Celeos Celeos 10/27/13 sold 5 accounts. I went first Probemas Probemas
Probemas Probemas 10/27/13 Sold me 5 fresh accs, he went first Celeos Celeos
Smoking Guams Smoking Guams 10/27/13 sold 2 accounts tankkk u Prefraud Prefraud
Celeos Celeos 10/27/13 Sold him 8m, He went first. Smooth Trade. CyanSales CyanSales
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