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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
Hades Hades 10/28/13 did a service dannyali2123 dannyali2123
Hades Hades 10/28/13 Sold fresh level 3 for 1.2m Probemas Probemas
Probemas Probemas 10/28/13 Bought level 3 account!Fast trade Hades Hades
BawsZ BawsZ 10/28/13 Sold 50m, Quick and Legit. Cheers Mate. g0t dagz gee g0t dagz gee
HellenWong HellenWong 10/28/13 Sold 64m 07 gp thanks Mystere Mystere
Mystere Mystere 10/28/13 bought 07 gold from him , very fast ! ty HellenWong HellenWong
HellenWong HellenWong 10/28/13 Sold them 20m fast and secure! Jimbot Jimbot
blue219 blue219 10/28/13 He just opened up a paypal dispute on this deal heyjas08 heyjas08
Jimbot Jimbot 10/28/13 bought 20m 07 gold from him , very fast ! ty HellenWong HellenWong
GearBongz GearBongz 10/28/13 Sold him a 07 fisher, thanks Star Scream Star Scream
Star Scream Star Scream 10/28/13 bought an 07 fisher for a good price thanks! GearBongz GearBongz
Trustmybet Trustmybet 10/28/13 Did MM and prequests, was cheap and fast! :D Nick M Nick M
YoHoJo YoHoJo 10/28/13 Bought a vocher! ty! Zappa Zappa
Zappa Zappa 10/28/13 Sold him $8 OSBot credit YoHoJo YoHoJo
Kam Kam 10/28/13 Bought 40M RS07 from him, great trade! YoHoJo YoHoJo
Smoking Guams Smoking Guams 10/28/13 Sold fresh 3's. Very nice guy :) andzelmaz andzelmaz
Hades Hades 10/28/13 Any type of comment here - Good? Fast? Trustworth? Smoking Guams Smoking Guams
YoHoJo YoHoJo 10/28/13 Sold 40M OSRS GP, trade went fast and smooth! Thanks! Kam Kam
Smoking Guams Smoking Guams 10/27/13 Made him a sig, cool guy Graphic Graphic
ballenspel ballenspel 10/27/13 I swapped RS3 gold for ballenspel's 4m 07 gp. fast trading with no issues A+ No Lifer No Lifer
No Lifer No Lifer 10/27/13 Sold 4M 07 gp, smoothly ballenspel ballenspel
Violent Violent 10/27/13 Sold me a Bond! Thanks! Jeffy Jeff Jeffy Jeff
Hades Hades 10/27/13 bought another service, fast easy as again. Dat weed Dat weed
HellenWong HellenWong 10/27/13 Sold 10m, thanks! Superman Superman
Superman Superman 10/27/13 bought 07 gold from him , very nice,thank u HellenWong HellenWong
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