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Trade With Caution
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Pug last won the day on December 26 2014

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About Pug

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  1. @Alek can we have an update on the CPU usage of the mirror client? is it being looked at? not using mirror till its fixed. It is not prudent to run a computer at 70-100% cpu load for a long period of time.
  2. anyone have anything lying around on there HDD that resembles a trading script, e.g selling to other players. Specifically giving items to another player. Trading by player name. any snippets / code / scripts welcome. thanks, pug
  3. lol as for told my yours truly.
  4. Pug

    Hi Osbot!

    Welcome, off topic:
  5. was me that said about it in chat just 30 mins ago, client isnt logging back in after disconnecting due to server lag. EDIT just had it again: log:
  6. doesnt need logs, its been a problem across osbot on multi platforms during its lifetime, Dev's dont need much info because its happening to everyone across the board. Educated guess on my part would tell me that its something to do with the mirror process. Though osb2 has always used alot more cpu than its competition anyway. cba to explain myself more as the picture is self explanatory. 1 client = 50%+ thats not commercially viable. I have a computer with very good specifications. For the average user (14-18 years of age) wont have a high spec computer and such will struggle to run 1 mirror client without lag let alone more than 1.
  7. Please read the above quote before posting something argumentative. Notice this is in the bug reports section, what's that tell you? noobs.
  8. yah i dont bot monday day times. ever. A few hours this evening, same for tomorrow.
  9. IP is logged on login @ SFM. anytime you login with a certain IP is is assigned on your file. was confirmed in afagex vid. login, bot. logout, turn on/off vpn. log into different account. just make sure never to mix the two IP's else you risk both accounts.
  10. full control. can zoom in, right click, ctrl alt del, shift, alt. full keyboard. Tis perfect
  11. yah was guna say about teamviewer, thats what i use to check my bots when im at work. Have it installed on my desktop + laptop so can check on both stets. plus run VPN on my laptop at the same time to use my mule good bit of kit my deskktop from iphone:
  12. yuuuuuuup i is back bitches. pic related, selfie.
  13. Pug

    Hello :) <3

    welcome good choice getting VIP. enjoy mirror mode its amazing
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