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  1. DarkzSide


    If I'm correct CorelDraw is like Adobe Illustrator which is mainly used for logos or illustrations however photoshop is completely different from both of those which I used for this.
  2. DarkzSide


    There's a reason why I use a lubricant.
  3. DarkzSide


    First typo sig in a year
  4. Was looking through your work and not bad. Keep it up. ;)
  5. Remove the smudge from the render, it's unnecessary.
  6. Looks like one of them solicitors ads you see on tv. You should've desaturated red and made it more light instead full red, all in all it's way too mono tone. Here's good clean and simple example
  7. Apologies for not seeing this through on the date I stated it would end, been busy. WINNER: Kuroko (Money will be sent through paypal)
  8. More of a spare time thing, there's that urge to open up photoshop and just design whatever you feel like. This layout was free, didn't charge for it.
  9. Thanks, I remember when I was the first one to receive the designer userbar on osbot around 2 years ago I think.
  10. No bevel was used but I do see why you would say there is, without a look at layers simple shadows can make it look that way. Thanks for the suggestion tho.
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