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  1. True, still thanks for your opinion // pov :p !
  2. Same over here can provide Screenie, Just wondering do you think it would be wise to bot low amount of houres on it? Mine was banned in 2015. I wonder if they are still watching after 3years. Didn't touch it since and is fully green again..
  3. Any idea orso for adding ice gloves in the bot or not possible? Just asking & sorry if it has been asked before!
  4. Hiya I was curious if this account would be worth anything. It has Cook's assistant Doric's Quest Romeo & Juliet Dwarf cannon as quests done, Hasn't been registered, & Havent played on the account since december 2015. Comes with an empty bank ( except 20K Ranging tickets ) Any idea's ? Thanks & appreciated
  5. Aahn I had no idea the profits would be the same, thanks though :p ! About the coal bag, it doesn't seem to happen all the time, but sometimes iff I look closely @ the coal deposited in the furnace I see over 100 Coal deposited which means it sometimes skip a ''ore'' run? Could be on my side that i'm screwing up something though! babysitting atm to see how it goes :p Thnx!
  6. Hello I noticed sometimes when running mithril bars it will not use my coal bag, its only like once in a few runs though It will click on the conveyer belt and after that it will re-click the coal bag instead of yes which loses quite some profit per hour I think Been reaching as high up to 900K/hour though! Thnx Also did you ever thought about adding an option that would deposit X coal first & then would run ore over and over? What I kinda mean is like example put in 130coal into the belt then do 5runs of mithril as example? Was just thinking about it :p I mean it in a good way, loving the script so far
  7. Hiya may I ask iff motherlode was activated? :p Tried looking for it but it isn't there ( Bought the thieving script ! ) I also can't find your thread about the deals tried looking through your profile but no luck =p Thanks in advance!
  8. Hiya, any chance I could have motherlode mine trial? Thanks in advance! And may I ask I saw a post earlier that iff you buy your thieving script you get one for free or did I read that wrong? :p Is it a limited offer or? Thanks !
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