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Disputed member MattGP


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Disputed Member:MattGP
Why it should be removed: It is not true
Details:I've asked him to make me a private script but he said he had no acc so he had to buy a bond. After 10-20 minutes he told me he made a fresh new lvl 3 acc and bought a bond on it to test the script. I've asked for evidence he was like "lol". left me a neutral feedback.
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That explains a lot^^ lol.

So heres the situation he asks me to create a private script and I told him I would make it as long as he recompenses me for the bond as is show above. Then he claims that he doesn't have to pay me a bond because I am lying about using a bond to create the script? its honestly quite sad to see someone try to weasel their way of paying a tiny amount like 2.5m. I really don't care about the money but if someone is going to try to scam over a bond then I honestly think that he should not be a part of this community..

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