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The Hero of Time

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Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of Overwatch: Origins Edition. Recently claimed in game items will be available the next time you log in to the game.
Please log or re-log in to the game to use the item.

too bad im at werk feels.png

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No need to pull out the frog, I own the game but my rig can't handle it.

Working on getting a new rig this month biggrin.png

aww shii feels.png


i dont even know what the requirements are lmao



aren't that crazy tbh https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/7636

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Dude am I wrong here or wasn't this game getting blasted for being the most over-hyped game of 2016>?

yeah everyone says its overhyped,but the thing is, when i started playing the beta, i had no idea what the game was. never heard of overwatch, and didn't know it was hyped.


I would probably have never played it if i didn't get the beta key from @Khaleesi


I went in blind and ended up fucking loving it

Gratz, I'll still rek you emote3.png


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damn doge.png


"I main Widowmaker" - Overwatch Players 2016


"I quit playing TF2 because the sniper was so !@#$ing annoying. I hope lobbys aren't filled with snipers in this game as well."


"Please stop playing widow"


so much :salty: :doge: i like playing as widow aswell



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