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APA Sand Crabs


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I've used this script for like 10 minutes and I can say without a doubt this is one of the best scripts I've ever used already. Very professional, human like and neat and tidy GUI.


A couple of suggestions;

On roaming mode, maybe add an option where player hops if player count is higher than (insert number)

Also, not sure if its implemented or not but sometimes when roaming it would go to further ones even if there was one very close, so maybe if there could be an option to target nearest when roaming, it would be nice.


Hey, thanks for the kind words :) I can add worldhopping to roam mode, will find space on the Gui to add that and will put it on the to-do list. As for the crab selection, it should aim for the closest one which isn't already under attack, but sometimes it can deviate from this just to make it seem more natural. I can probably increase the accuracy of this though!





Hi could i get the free trial

Thanks :)


Hey, unfortunately as i'm sure you can understand, I cannot offer multiple trials to the same person. Sorry about that!!



Just bought the script, Do you guys think i'll be fine if i only use it in like 1-2 hour intervals with breaks and normal gameplay in between?


Thanks for the script!


Firstly, thanks for choosing the script! Unfortunately bans are issued somewhat randomly, however there are a few steps which you can follow to minimise the chances:

  • As you said, play inbetween
  • Spread botting sessions out throughout the day. I'd say that even 2 hours is potentially too long. Try and keep it under/around an hour to be extra safe!
  • Have a brief read of this thread written by one of the bot developers: osbot.org/forum/topic/45618-preventing-rs-botting-bans/

The way I see it, progressing slowly is much better than being outright banned :) Also, if the account really means alot to you, I would recommend resisting the temptation to bot on it, that way there's no worry that it will get banned.




Oh snap, I didn't even get to use the script I was waiting for a reply on here I just realised you liked my post :/ You can check my run time I didn't even open osbot since posting sad.png


Could I get another trial please, really feeling to buy this if satisfied. Thanks Apaec!


Hey, that's ok. I've restarted your trial as it does indeed seem you haven't got a chance to run the script.

Cheers for stopping by!


Edited by Apaec
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Found a problem, nothing showed up in the log. At spot west 3, when it runs back from resetting, it gets stuck about half way. Seems to do this if I get attacked along the way, and my character will just stop and auto retaliate til it's dead, doesn't resume after that. The log just shows camera/mouse movements going as normal, but nothing else.

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Found a problem, nothing showed up in the log. At spot west 3, when it runs back from resetting, it gets stuck about half way. Seems to do this if I get attacked along the way, and my character will just stop and auto retaliate til it's dead, doesn't resume after that. The log just shows camera/mouse movements going as normal, but nothing else.


oo. That's odd, thanks for mentioning! I will take a look.




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awesome also can the camera move and mouse move be random also i just think it would look more human like and not a bot doing the same thing at the same time 50 time in a row


It is randomised, but once the script is back online I can look into adding more camera and mouse movements too!


hi the script freezes as soon as it start it


Heya, all scripts have the same issue due to the recent raids update, just hang tight for the devs to update the bot! :)

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Why script freezes at start



With today's opdate something is not working anymore. As soon as i try to start the bot, everything crashes. I'm on osbot 2.4.107.





sorry didn't see other comments..




Heya, all scripts have the same issue due to the recent raids update, just hang tight for the devs to update the bot! :)

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