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tried 3 capes and failed each time, im 44prayer 75defence 72ange, 


first attempt i babysat and it ran out of restores, 2/3 time iwas out so didnt see why it failed, ive now tried the default but with prayer flicking


first time i did no prayer but with default, does anyone have any suggestions 


Well, it's difficult to give suggestions if you don't know how you're dying.

The stats are fine, so with enough resources and decent equipment there should be no problem.

Also ensure that you aren't running in mirror mode.


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im not running in mirror mode, 


just really unsure, the 4th time it died, was becuase it was out of brews. id selected prayer flick, but took more restores to brews. currently trying the prayer flick with default items, hopefully i can get a result and then go from there!


What equipment are you using


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your script wouldnt be half bad for pures if it didnt attempt to tank meele range and mage at the same time, i had multi flicks on and it would sit sitting brews instead of flicking 


Well, that is the very reason pures are not supported :E

can't flick while brewing, and can't stop brewing without being able to t0nk a hit or two. Also potting to stay alive takes priority over running to safety, so it pretty much comes down to being able to survive those tight spots.


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Well, that is the very reason pures are not supported :E

can't flick while brewing, and can't stop brewing without being able to t0nk a hit or two. Also potting to stay alive takes priority over running to safety, so it pretty much comes down to being able to survive those tight spots.


its all a matter on how you want to do fightcaves, i remember back before eoc/osrs there was a script that would run around the map trapping the npc's making it easier to kill them. other than that, nice script!

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