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Perfect Fighter AIO


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also noticing some issues with the bot for rune drags. It doesn't pull out my pot doses (3) after it sips the (4) when it banks. So basically if i run out of 4 doses the script stops, even though i have hundreds of 3, 2 and 1 doses. I also noticed it equips the ring of dueling for ferox tele instead of just right click tele. 

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Well I have added 2 new profiles in fighter setup -> top left -> Example Profiles, and I will add more examples :D

For the potions I can add a option to withdraw 3s and 2s, or even a decant option like my barrows bot has, hows this? :D 

For jewellery we gotta select the [Keep equipped] option, but I understand you probably have a better ring equipped, maybe I can make it force equip only on tele, I’ll try a solution for this too.

Update coming up :) 

Tysm btw! ❤️

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Anytime :D I'm also working on a lava dragons update for antipk, will be using some code from my revenants bot and converted there.

Also one last question for the dueling ring I couldn't find a way to teleport without bringing up the teleport dialogue, would you like the bot to go through dialogues to tele? I was worried about being in combat and getting interrupted, but this maybe doesn't happen if you lose aggro :doge:

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11 hours ago, xFoxsta said:

Does this work at perilous moons? sulphur naquas specifically.

if so, does it resupply?

yessir just added sulphur few weeks ago, it should work well. but please make sure to set the bank to Cam Torum, because if you set it to Nearest it tries to go port sarim, I got a fix coming for this too. But with cam torum bank configured, it works well :) 

Also great choice, those are one of (if not) the best npcs to fight for training

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Atm no real boss support yet, but I'm adding plugins for various npcs that aren't in osbot, I won't be able to do nightmare because theres already a script for it :feels: but I have something very special releasing :doge: 

@SpaceBuond It supports sulphur naguas, and walking there, but I'm not so sure about afking, is there anything required? I'll add it in :D Do you mean like gathering all the potions in the next room near sulphur naguas and returning?

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