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On 3/16/2020 at 6:46 AM, Czar said:

Are there any errors so I can help? I will investigate ASAP. If using mirror make sure to allocate some memory so the client doesn't lag out, also make sure you are using 64 bit java so the mirror message shows: "64-bit to 32-bit" instead of "32-bit to 32-bit". In any case which npcs are you trying to fight and where, so I can debug at your exact configuration. Also one last question: if you had to guess, what do you think contributed to that stop, was it the eating/banking/walking/fighting/looting that seemed to make it idle? If you don't mind posting the saved profile config that would help me fix your issue much quicker.

As for death spawn - glad to hear the update fixed it - I will be focusing on some more tweaks/improvements as well as pushing the demonic gorilla/revenant plugin as soon as I can.

As for trials - done good luck, there are many settings to choose from so please don't forget to save a profile to save time.

If you guys have any more questions/issues please post them so I can add them to the list of updates/issues to look out for in the upcoming version.

Mine does this also, i have 32 to 32bit in the top left though, how do i make it run 64bit?


Edit: Uninstalled 32bit and installed 64bit and its sorted both fps lag and also it doesnt stop looting or going idle anymore. :)

Edited by That Str Tho
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Awesome glad to hear that upgrading to 64 bit helped, I will let other users know if they experience the same situation - thanks for verifying! :D Please let me know if anything persists so I can investigate further, will do some test runs to make sure anyway.

Bone burying - I will check this out, I assume with mirror mode? Usually item/inventory operations take longer if you have the reaction timer at default (1000ms) so stealth injection will always be faster/normal whereas mirror will be slightly delayed, however the reaction timer can be slowed down to ~50ms which makes it many times faster. Please confirm what your reaction timer is (Shift + F3/F4 to reduce), if it's at 50ms and you want it to be even quicker, confirm. I will add an update for this immediately after this one.^^ :D EDIT: Also - slower actions are safer, even if they look super unrealistic, they are extremely safer than normal so please don't worry about bans.

New Update (v260.1)

- Updated world hop system for combat timeout; no longer gets stuck in a cycle
- Updated the walking code while in Stronghold of Security
- Camera now pans upwards if it can't see doors well enough (more frequently than before)
- Improved walking logic for walking to and from AFK/refresh tiles
- Added support for degradable items when spec'ing/re-equipping load-outs (guthan's armour now fully works)
- Added new condition for wilderness pker's in minimap (stops/notifications system)
- Levelling task calculation fixed, including short swords too; no longer gets stuck trying to calculate next target
- Added option 'only sip potions while fighting' in the misc tab
- Sand crabs: no longer runs too far when refreshing aggro
- All crabs: drops junk items such as empty vials/jugs/dishes
- Added (beta) Revenant Green Dragons to the beta GDK plugin.
Disclaimer: do not purchase the bot for green dragons they are beta/experimental only.

More updates to come, got v260.2 underway with some more tweaks/changes/improvements. I have every possible feedback (from thread/pm/discord) noted down so I haven't forgotten anything, it is just in development. Thanks guys - update will automatically go live within a few hours, enjoy :)

Edited by Czar
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Not just yet but I am thinking of releasing an update that allows users to share/save/set profiles online, have been thinking about something like this for a long time now, ever since I started making the script ^^ :D It is super important especially for starting new accounts or preparing bot farms so I understand completely ^^ :D As for pre-made, I can supply some and make them apart of the default script, so for example a dropdown menu showing: 'Chickens profile' or cows etc.

Also guys - I have some bad news, I must revert the Revenant + GDK update for now, there appears to still be some work to do I am in the process of re-writing the whole plugin for both Revenants and Green dragons, so my apologies guys, I will try get both plugins released by the end of the week at the very latest.

Edited by Czar
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@jmoneyswag you are epic sir, please let me know if you have any suggestions/ideas for the next update, keep it up ^^ :D Please bot responsibly I don't wanna see any bans

@WildLoki Ah was it a fresh account? Was it rested at all, with good botting or legit history etc? I highly recommend reading this guide for preventing bans: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/124429-preventing-rs-botting-bans-v3/

Ban rate as of ~1 week seems to be super low across all bots, unless manually flagged by a jmod, did you take all the responsible steps when botting? At least replying to in-game chat, avoiding botting on multiple accounts, doing tutorial by hand etc. Also where did you bot? Chickens/cows/seagulls and anywhere in lumbridge isn't really a good place to bot, it's one of the most watched areas and riskiest to bot (in my experience and from what I'm observing from other botters)

With that being said, I have posted a new update and will be adding more tweaks/improvements, especially to make banking even more efficient and smooth for complex setups, including an update to allow re-gearing/potting while bank interface is open etc. Also the two plugins GDK and revenants are almost complete, I hope I will be able to push the update later today.


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For doors if you set up a fightzone behind a door it may work, or a safespot behind the doors, anything which will get the bot to move there - in the meantime I will add an update for doors and a fail-safe for climbing ladders in edgeville by accident too. EDIT: Also webwalker 2 may help in some situations (temporarily)

As for selecting different combat levels, I will add a setup option to differentiate npcs by combat level, should be added in v261 today.

As for slayer, yes I will add some sort of function to toggle between skills, to choose slayer too. Appreciate the support you are awesome sir :) 

As for the script moving cursor to top left (first item slot) or attempting to equip armour - should be fixed as of yesterday, my apologies - was experimenting with special attacks + barrows code, it is fully patched now.

As for trials activated good luck guys, enjoy :) Appreciate all the kind words, support and feedback guys, keep it up ^^ :D

Update v261 is coming and it is a massive update, lots of new features and changes that you will all appreciate.

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