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One thing that I've noticed during my limited usage of this script while using it in the Stronghold of Security is that I want the bot to pick up "Cooked meat" to sustain my trip longer. To do this it will eat my food instead. I don't know if there is a setting that I missed to stop this from happening, but if there was a way to only pickup "Cooked meat" when there is a slot open to do so that would be amazing. Thank you for the free trial Czar, everything looks great and I will be buying after the trial is over! Excellent Job!

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I want to call out what was said above, the bot eats to make room for loot whether the option is enabled or not. Also wanted to say that the bot randomly stops. im collecting logfiles to post for czar but ive noticed with fight bounds set (or not) the bot will hang when the inventory is full and its heading to the bank. from what ive experienced over around 10-15 hours of testing, this usually happens when the bot is going to walk and gets attacked. it kills the NPC and hangs stating "waiting for bank window" over and over again. this is especially prevalent in walking modes 1,2 and 4. 3 has given me the best results and at times wont stop at all. in order to get it to run for an hour straight i usually have to restart he bot/mirror mode and osrs client (as instructed) 2-3 times.  it helps if i start while fighting and if i pause the script and attack or bank it generally resumes. lastly, ive noticed that the script is iffy about bone burying lately. i have it set to three bones and the bot will stop burying them and accumulate a full inventory of them without burying a bone. then it will eat your food to pick up more bones. the odd thing is this doesnt always happen and again is more prevalent in walking modes 1,2 and 4.


here are my settings:

walk setting: 3 (1,2 and 4 generally fail quickly)

Banking: true

Items: Bones, coins, fire rune, earth rune, mind rune

Location Al-kharid warriors (inside the house with fightbouds set to the interior)

Food/eating: enabled

Banking set up: withdraw 20 trout

only loot my kills: enabled

Bury Bones: enabled 

only fight in fight zone: enabled

return to bank before breaks: enabled

lot while fighting: disabled (bot does it anyway)

All said, this script is still an excellent one and those considering a purchase should do so. over the year ive used czar's scripts theyve been updated multiple times. thanks czar for the hard work. it may all seem like thankless babble at times but we appreciate you. im confident you'll trouble shoot hese s you have others.

Edit: Log files posted below for all issues.


waiting for bank.txt

frozen after combat, no item pick up after return to fightzone.txt

stopped fighting after returning to fightzone.txt

Not looting when returning to fight zone.txt

Edited by gashwagon
added log file
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Im currently using ranging mode at barbarians with iron arrows, looting enabled in the looting list and the options to pick up ammo are selected. however, its only looted the arrows once, after that it skips looting

nvm, i got it to work after restarting the profile. however looting arrows for me has been a bit buggy. maybe something to look into

Edited by alahkad
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Will be posting a new update for looting system, stay tuned guys, got loads of awesome tweaks/improvements underway ^^ :D

As for purchase, if you didn't chargeback/refund then you still have the bot in your client browser, let me know if so, contact Token if it doesn't appear in the client browser, he is in charge of these types of things.

As for bot not starting, check if you have 'Level tasks' enabled in the setup window, turn this off because the script will not start with it yet.

As for blue dragons in taverley, it supports all walking paths, including the 70 agility shortcut, and/or the dusty key method.

As for bone burying/looting when inventory full, I will check this out ASAP, thanks for the feedback and the appropriate console logs, it helps with updates tremendously. Update coming up.

As for cooked meat/stronghold I will add an option to loot those, update coming up.

As for ban rates, with slayer it is extremely low, especially if not doing beginner slayer tasks like cows/chickens etc. The best way to put it is: the more often you change your location/fighting monster, the safer it is. With more popular npcs such as cows/chickens and other typical f2p monsters, I recommend not botting there at all, with any bot/client, it is just too saturated and watched.


Just posted an engine update, the script will run more stable as of now - since the main multi-thread condition has been tweaked.

Edited by Czar
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