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Cannon + walking: did you set a safespot? Also, what is the player trying to do when running, is it trying to fill the cannon then trying to attack another npc at the same time? Or? Will do some more test runs, without safespot set (I'm assuming?)

As for slaughter/expeditious bracelets, found the problem - fixed for upcoming update v236.

Script pause/play: yep this only applies to mirror mode though. I will be talking to devs on why a pause/play makes mirror un-bugged again. As for paint, it is very heavy on the script and I have trimmed it down for the new update, you will notice a large difference in speed :D

Thanks guys! :D

Edited by Czar
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35 minutes ago, Czar said:

Cannon + walking: did you set a safespot? Also, what is the player trying to do when running, is it trying to fill the cannon then trying to attack another npc at the same time? Or? Will do some more test runs, without safespot set (I'm assuming?)

As for slaughter/expeditious bracelets, found the problem - fixed for upcoming update v236.

Script pause/play: yep this only applies to mirror mode though. I will be talking to devs on why a pause/play makes mirror un-bugged again. As for paint, it is very heavy on the script and I have trimmed it down for the new update, you will notice a large difference in speed :D

Thanks guys! :D

Literally can't wait buddy.

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2 hours ago, Czar said:

Cannon + walking: did you set a safespot? Also, what is the player trying to do when running, is it trying to fill the cannon then trying to attack another npc at the same time? Or? Will do some more test runs, without safespot set (I'm assuming?)

As for slaughter/expeditious bracelets, found the problem - fixed for upcoming update v236.

Script pause/play: yep this only applies to mirror mode though. I will be talking to devs on why a pause/play makes mirror un-bugged again. As for paint, it is very heavy on the script and I have trimmed it down for the new update, you will notice a large difference in speed :D

Thanks guys! :D

I always set a set a safespot. It would try to fill the cannon then attack the furthest target, outside the range I set... then try to fill again, then attack then change targets and repeat. Ive tried many settings.ty

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Activated double trial, because there is a new update coming out.

Good news guys, have done two major re-writes for the script to modernize it for 2019. Some aspects of the script were written when it was a smaller/local script and it didn't fit with the overall scope of the script today; so it had to be re-designed.

Areas affected: NPC filtering system and combat code.

The next big re-write will be for the walking aspect to reduce it's memory usage since we have a proprietary walking system instead of the default webwalker that every other script on OSBot uses - which means we get much much faster updates (OTA) and we can have truly customized walking/traveling.

Will be pushing the new update later today.

Edited by Czar
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10 minutes ago, Czar said:

Activated double trial, because there is a new update coming out.

Good news guys, have done two major re-writes for the script to modernize it for 2019. Some aspects of the script were written when it was a smaller/local script and it didn't fit with the overall scope of the script today; so it had to be re-designed. 

Areas affected: NPC filtering system and combat code.

The next big re-write will be for the walking aspect to reduce it's memory usage since we have a proprietary walking system instead of the default webwalker that every other script on OSBot uses - which means we get much much faster updates (OTA) and we can have truly customized walking/traveling.

Will be pushing the new update later today.

Can't wait for the results. Keep up the good work.

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Make sure to hook mirror client correctly, there are a few bugs for mirror unfortunately but they will be fixed by the devs rest assured. The best we can do for mirror is:

		(Optional): Download the OSBot dev client .40, it features better performance for mirror.		
		If the script randomly doesn't work after some time, give it a client restart. To maximize stability:		
		- Don't stay logged in while both mirror client and OSRS client are trying to hook together
	- Don't use any other clients other than default OSRS client
	- Set client to fixed mode at all times, restart client if it wasn't already set
	- Once both clients are hooked (make sure you are still logged out), start to login manually by yourself, enter the game completely manually
	- Once you're logged in, open some tabs/interfaces, walk around, let the client load for a bit, the mirror works by copying all in-game objects
	- You can now safely start the script.		
		That will maximize stability, but it's not perfect. Of course, the devs are working on mirror.	
	Also, if there is a problem with the script, ^ that won't help, in that case send me a screenshot of your exact script setup so I know what to look for. My tests include normal setups like fighting al-kharid warriors or fighting slayer monsters with 2-3 items in the bank loadout slot.

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2 hours ago, Czar said:

Make sure to hook mirror client correctly, there are a few bugs for mirror unfortunately but they will be fixed by the devs rest assured. The best we can do for mirror is:


		(Optional): Download the OSBot dev client .40, it features better performance for mirror.		
		If the script randomly doesn't work after some time, give it a client restart. To maximize stability:		
		- Don't stay logged in while both mirror client and OSRS client are trying to hook together
	- Don't use any other clients other than default OSRS client
	- Set client to fixed mode at all times, restart client if it wasn't already set
	- Once both clients are hooked (make sure you are still logged out), start to login manually by yourself, enter the game completely manually
	- Once you're logged in, open some tabs/interfaces, walk around, let the client load for a bit, the mirror works by copying all in-game objects
	- You can now safely start the script.		
		That will maximize stability, but it's not perfect. Of course, the devs are working on mirror.	
	Also, if there is a problem with the script, ^ that won't help, in that case send me a screenshot of your exact script setup so I know what to look for. My tests include normal setups like fighting al-kharid warriors or fighting slayer monsters with 2-3 items in the bank loadout slot.


where do we download the dev client version .40 ?

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Script has a logic bug (e.g. dies while safespotting) or (cannon mode doesn't pickup arrows)
- When out of arrows, didn't run away and log out, stayed under attack and received "No ammo left in your quiver" for about 25 minutes.
- Ran out of arrows
- (optional) recommendation: Have the bot walk away 10-15 tiles when you receive "No ammo" message, and re attempts logout
- Tried client restart? N/A
- Normal script or a plugin? - Regular Script
- Which exact setup options are enabled? Range Mode enabled

This happened at the chickens in lumbridge. Great script regardless, use it quite a bit! Thanks a ton!

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