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I’m relatively unhappy with the script. Tried three places to train, they all did not work for some reason.

1. If an npc is located upstairs and you start the script there, the bot will attack downstairs npcs in the same defined area when it comes back from banking and does not use the stairs to climb up

2. If the script is killing cows in lumbridge, it gets stuck when a new area is loaded

3. The stronghold plugin does not work on many mobs. E.g. 27 minotaurs and 16 goblins

apart from that - great script. I feel safe using it

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10 minutes ago, rezon said:

I’m relatively unhappy with the script. Tried three places to train, they all did not work for some reason.

1. If an npc is located upstairs and you start the script there, the bot will attack downstairs npcs in the same defined area when it comes back from banking and does not use the stairs to climb up

2. If the script is killing cows in lumbridge, it gets stuck when a new area is loaded

3. The stronghold plugin does not work on many mobs. E.g. 27 minotaurs and 16 goblins

apart from that - great script. I feel safe using it

I use walking path 2 and it doesnt get stuck anymore (walking mode 1 got me stuck near lumbridge cows a few times also) 

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Guys I just pushed v213.1, it has a few fixes to immediate problems such as safespot, range spec, nechys (hopefully!) and a few other changes.

New Update (v214)

- Specs are now optional in all plugins
- Special attack event patched, script will now spec properly (ranged fix)
- 'Avoid other npcs' option patched, script will now work better at nechys and gargoyles (need confirmation!)
- Fixed potion code
- Fixed a few npc target codes
- Alching is now at a perfect speed (not too slow nor too fast), and alching is now handled as a separate event (no more stacking actions), the script will alch without being interrupted.
- Changes to cannoning
- A few walking hotfixes for some map nodes (hotfixed) should be available asap without the need for the version to change

Next updates will include:

- multiple banking conditions, go to alch in safespot, more safespot improvements and customization, fight zone saving, more stop conditions, more alert conditions, more npc selection modes and any other ideas which I will hopefully get soon! PS. the entire looting and safespotting code is being re-written from scratch. Looting will be handled as a separate event, and looting will have more sub-tabs for extra customization.

After I add improvements to cannoning, safespotting, plugins, looting, I will start adding more unique features to the script such as below:

I will also be introducing the new multi-action system which I will be giving more details about later. It includes performing multiple actions at once, e.g. while walking you can pot, while doing X action you can do X action. So multiple things happening at once (unique actions ofc). This is all later until I perfect some more of the script. It is low priority.

Stay tuned guys. I am silently working on this script, re-writing things from scratch as the script gets expanded more and more. You will all be noticing major improvements to the stability of the script.

Please please please send me pm's or post on my osbot profile for more personalized updates/suggestions, if you have an idea for the script that is missing, or something that has been in the script since day 1 and still hasn't been flawless let me know so I can focus on the smaller features!

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Hey, just started using this since last night and I'm having trouble banking, uses 7 or so Lobsters then decides to bank early and fails when trying to bank. I only have the bank setup done and the mob I want to kill, kills fine but banks when it still has a lot of food left... don't understand why it's not waiting till invent is empty and why it won't bank.. edgeville hill giants

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