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Perfect Fighter AIO


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Brutal dragons plugin:

Hmm what was the error log for BBD plugin? Please use bug report template :( 


Stronghold plugin:

As for stronghold, which settings (mainly npc and fightzone)? Please use the bug template so I can debug the script with the exact same options, find the bug then post an update immediately ^^ :D It's walking perfectly fine from edgeville to flesh crawlers (south-east). Which exact fightzone was set in the setup interface?

Also if using stronghold plugin make sure to select a fight zone to a tile which is not an object tile, but a walkable tile. If still nothing, a temporary workaround is to use non-stronghold plugin mode, but start the script near your fightzone and let the script do the rest.


Hmm it seems to be working, selected south-west flesh crawlers and bot walked there flawlessly I will run some more tests ASAP.




GDK plugin:

As for GDK, which inventory layout? I tried with 20 lobsters. Games necklace to corp, dueling ring to clan wars and the script closed the bank, tele'd to corp and continued fine :o 

I have an update planned for GDK which I am sure will fix it, but the update involves a bugfix for the 2nd trip, 3rd trip, onwards (basically all trips except the first). If the script isn't closing bank and continuing on the first trip, then confirm please. I will have to debug with same inventory layout. Also, make sure to not set any other items except food/potions (and make sure bank has those items) in the inventory layout system


Bug templates


New feature request
- What is the new feature
- Basic description of what the script should do
- Basic actions for the script: 'Use item on item' etc.
For when the script gets stuck on a tile (or continuous loop):
- Which exact tile does the script get stuck on? (exact tile, not 'near the draynor village')
- Plugin or normal script?
- Did you try all 3 walking options?
Script has a logic bug (e.g. dies while safespotting) or (cannon mode doesn't pickup arrows)
- What is the bug
- How did you make the bug happen
- (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something
- Tried client restart?
- Normal script or a plugin?
- Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc.




Edited by Czar
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GDK plugin:

As for GDK, which inventory layout? I tried with 20 lobsters. Games necklace to corp, dueling ring to clan wars and the script closed the bank, tele'd to corp and continued fine :o 

I have an update planned for GDK which I am sure will fix it, but the update involves a bugfix for the 2nd trip, 3rd trip, onwards (basically all trips except the first). If the script isn't closing bank and continuing on the first trip, then confirm please. I will have to debug with same inventory layout. Also, make sure to not set any other items except food/potions (and make sure bank has those items) in the inventory layout system


My setup.

  • Walk setting 1
  • GDK 187.1
  • Fight location = East (lvl 20)
  • Banking condition = No food left
  • tavel method = Games Necklace
  • where to bank = Clan wars
  • bank travel = Dueling Ring
  • World hop = off
  • Misc. settings = none selected
  • Banking = 20 Lobster, 1 combat potion(3)
  • Loot = bones, hides, ranarr, bass rune dagger, addy full helm, nature rune,ensouled dragon head
  • Deathwalk = not selected.
  • My bank contains all supplies, I have games necklaces, dueling rings, lobsters, and combat potions, and lots of all of them.

What happens.

  • Start at clan wars bank, on the tile that you stand on to access the bank chest.
  • Withdraws (or already has in inventory) 20 lobster, and 1 combat potion (3).
  • teleports to clan wars. 
  • walks to dragons
  • kills and loots dragons until out of food.
  • teleports back to clan wars.
  • deposits loot.
  • withdraws 20 lobsters and 1 combat potion
  • Script continuously loops with bank open trying. Tries to walk somewhere when it should be teleing to corp.
  • INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:16 PM]: (i3s3) - Closing bank, last state of the inventory finished.
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:16 PM]: Walking to1: [x=3336, y=3675, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:17 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:17 PM]: Walking to1: [x=3336, y=3675, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:19 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:19 PM]: Walking to1: [x=3336, y=3675, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:20 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:20 PM]: Walking to1: [x=3336, y=3675, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:22 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:22 PM]: Walking to1: [x=3336, y=3675, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:23 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:23 PM]: Walking to1: [x=3336, y=3675, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:25 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/21 03:34:25 PM]: Walking to1: [x=3336, y=3675, z=0]
  • This does not happen when you initially start the script. so,
  • Trip 1 works 
  • Trip 2 and onward do not. this happens on trip 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. I get to those trips by manually closing the bank and teleporting to corp, after i teleport manually, the script takes over.

Other things I've noticed.

  • Not using special attacks when its enabled.
  • Not waiting for loot even when enabled. (it kills a dragon, then attacks the next one before loot appears, then runs back to loot while being attacked by new dragon.)
  • When death walk and resupply location are on, instead of going to the bank to resupply it starts to run back to where it died.
  • When using setup: Walk to dragons, Teleport tablet to bank, it doesn't run below lvl 20 wildy to use teleport tablet.


Thank you for working on this. Excited for it to be working fully!

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New Update (v187.2)

- GDK trips perfected now, no more bugs after first trip
- Special attacks system re-written, works for GDK plugin now
- Teleport tab running (below 20 wilderness) now functional
- Wait for loot fixed
- Deathwalk system is now enabled and functional (it was automatically set to not enable)
- Script will correctly re-attack it's target after eating/potion drinking or any interruption.

Update will be live within 24 hours automatically, good luck :) 

Still can't get stronghold to bug out even with the other fightzones (other than south-east flesh crawlers and south-west). :( 

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Thanks for the response, I will put out more quality reports as to when it bugs out.

About " -Wait for loot fixed"

I hope this adresses the BBD loot setting? Because it used to be soo solid, even stealing other people's loot that were AFK or didn't loot something; now it just leaves the kill on floor :p

BTW I didn't want to ask earlier because everything was running rather smooth in BBD plugin, but now with setting it up each time again would it be possible to simply have a checkbox for loot "Select All" Would be a huge QoL-fix :D


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EDIT: activated my AIO stronghold script, it may work better than the fighter plugin for stronghold, just temporary until this update (v187.2) goes live :D 

Select all checkbox will be included in today's update, along with a patch for stronghold too ^^ :D Yep, looting update will affect the entire script. 

Thanks for bug report, it makes debugging really really fast ^^ :D 

Also if the script ever gets stuck again in future updates, make sure there isn't an error console log, it can interrupt the script completely.

Update v187.2 is the new update and will automatically go live within 24 hrs, gl everyone ^^ :D 

Edited by Czar
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28 minutes ago, Czar said:

For sand crabs I recently added an option to hop worlds if a user attempts to crash your tile, other than that I have been meaning to add a new set of antipattern options

sounds juicy, the script always worked well for me, please let me know when the anti is added. Recieved some bans recently and wanna use a relatively safe script like sand crabs :))

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My setup.


It now is running this loop when trying to close the bank after it withdraws the supplies. Each trip requires that the bank be closed manually.

[INFO][Bot #1][03/22 05:51:54 PM]: Handling teleport...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/22 05:51:54 PM]: Handling teleport...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/22 05:51:54 PM]: Handling teleport...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/22 05:51:54 PM]: Handling teleport...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/22 05:51:54 PM]: Handling teleport...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/22 05:51:54 PM]: Handling teleport...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/22 05:51:54 PM]: Handling teleport...

Edited by drewb4
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Hmm update v187.2 is latest, still at 187.1 right now :( shouldn't take too long for update. GDK works flawlessly in the new version (including fail-safe for teleporting during banking), I did a full script test with all options and made sure it works better. Removed a few useless options in setup window and added a few other options. Wait for loot is flawless now, loot my own drop added, main weapon + spec weapon input added, teleporting at correct wildy level added for all teleports, and the rest of the script logic (banking, fighting) has also seen major, noticeable improvements. 

Gratz on 99 slayer, good job man I appreciate the nice feedback :) gl on 99 att, str, def :D added to main thread :) 

Guys, I think stronghold plugin works better now because I modified the pathing (dynamically) so it doesn't require an actual script update since it wasn't a code change. I made a test script which just walks edge bank, then stronghold custom tile (repeatedly) and ran for more than 3 hours non stop (throwaway account), everything seems good :o 

Will post when the new update goes live (v187.2).

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