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To VIP users: there may be a temporary VIP client bug to do with walking, for best results (until the devs add a client bugfix) use the script for fight tiles with npcs that do not require much walking or banking.

Otherwise just use the normal osbot client it works perfectly fine ^^ :D devs should fix the vip client soon though :) there was a recent osrs update which affected tile system in client.

As for trials, activated 48hr trials gl guys ;)


Looking forward to the fix! Thanks for such amazing scripts : D

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Hello, yesterday i bought your script blindfully because i trusted you as a script maker, but i am very dissapointed about this script because it keeps crashing, stronghold script is just doing stupid things like running to bank infinite times, i cant leave it anywhere,drinking prayer potions and using prayer is terrible because mouse is jumping from side to side. if character goes to bank he cant find way back and it doesnt find a route to bank when its in doungeon. i want to refund it.

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Please look over your "Right Click Ready" option it's completely absurd. The mouse is flicking back and fourth so fast. Actually in general the mouse is way too fast. It's far faster then 90% of people and the right click ready is doing things that aren't even humanly possible.


ALSO When a task is complete it pauses the script but never logs out. as in it will stand there for 5 hours if the task you set was finished just still 


Okay I see you must use the same mouse pathing in all your scripts. They all have this problem where they scroll over an object, swipe to a different point of the object, then click

Edited by Curtis20112
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The mouse path system is the default OSBot client system, if you have a problem take it up with the developers of the client. (except for ready-click mode).


Ready-click option was supposed to be an experimental bonus feature, will add an update for it since a few other users had a problem with the feature.


As for stop conditions, update coming up, including an update for breaks system, the script will operate similar to my stronghold script (ergo the script will go to the nearest bank/preferred bank when the break timer reaches 5 minutes and just logout, wait for the breaks to trigger, then wait for the breaks to end, then continue script)


Also guys, no need to be rude - if there is a feature that you would like changed, or a bug that is happening - POST A BUG REPORT. It's really not difficult, the bug report template is on the main thread. 


Will checkout stronghold and why some users are having issues with stronghold ASAP. If the script keeps running to the bank then it is searching for food, please make sure you have configured the script properly.. Also guys make sure to try the other walking options (there's multiple options) it may work better :D




Stronghold of security seems to be working flawlessly, just testing from grand exchange to flesh crawlers south-east spot:


script took the portal, navigated through all security doors successfully, reached the npcs, started fighting, perfect..


Script settings used: stronghold plugin, inventory layout: 20 tuna, fight tile: south-east flesh crawlers


If the script ever gets stuck, there is a tile bug report template on the main thread. Will be fixed ASAP!




Edited by Czar
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Guys if using stronghold and the script keeps trying to go bank, it may be due to the breaks system, I made the script go to bank if the time until the next break is less than 5 minutes, in order to prepare for breaks system. Will extend this system to the entire script, and not just the stronghold plugin in the next version :D

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Loving the script, but here recently it started buggin out when its fighting. It keeps trying to click on 1 tile over and over. I watch it for about 10 mins and its fine. But then it keeps trying to safespot one tile, and I didn't even set safespot. I'm using it at hill giants in varrock. Also having trouble keeping the brass key in inventory, and banking at varrock west. It keeps going to edgeville, then depositing my brass key, even after I right clicked brass key to toggle deposit. Please look into this. Other than that this script has been amazing and I own about 5-6 of your other scripts. Always impressed :)

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Hmm so the script deposited an item which was toggle-blocked in the inventory loadout? Will test and add an update ASAP. Including safespot, are you sure you didnt set a safespot tile by accident? Edit: hmm try not blocking the item maybe the script will withdraw from bank, either way there will be an update asap

Yep the script supports ankous, will activate a trial asap.

Next update (v171) coming up with all features/suggestions/bugfixes from the last few pages of this thread ^^ :D

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