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New Update (v230)

- Crab aggro fixed across all crab types.
- Safespot reaction time increased.
- Return to safespot event is now prioritized over all events (if safespot is enabled).
- Every single script delay now has a name assigned to it, if you would like to change it, post on thread.
- Script now filters multi-combat npcs more effectively.
-- If you are in a multi-combat zone you will now attack npcs already in combat.
-- Lesser demon and other npcs which are single target, multi players, multi-combat, now works.
- Added an option to disable multi-combat filtering
- Re-attack npc after stopping attack is now optional, and is enabled by default. (e.g. potting then re-attacking same npc)
- Antifire timers fixed, now counts downwards instead of upwards, should improve Brutal Black Dragon plugin significantly.
- Paint overlay is now fixed 100%, no longer disappears with multiple monitors or switching client tabs.
- Script now knows if you have been in combat for the first time since script launch.
- Script elapsed time now starts as soon as you start the script, doesn't count while filling out the setup window.
- You are now redirected to the respective plugins if you try to add a plugin npc to the global script npc list.
- Stops & Notifications now added to the Task Panel tab on the setup window.
- Task Panel tab now modernized and re-designed.
- Added more various conditions for stops & notifications.
- Added info tip to ranging mode: you can manually set arrows in the armour tab.
- Breaks changes

Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys, happy botting :D More updates coming up for v231 with updates that I may have missed.

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