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Perfect Fighter AIO


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For banking: make sure you set food, otherwise the script will always go to the bank to search for food. The script's anti-danger system will not let it fight without food when health is low.

For drinking prayer pots and not looting: both seem to be working for me; please state your gui settings so I can test with the same options and see if there's a bug

For brutal black dragons: I will make the script re-attack the npc, although I highly highly recommend enabling auto-retaliate, it is common sense :( plugin works fine with auto-retaliate enabled.

I will add an update for avoiding banking in the next patch asap. ^^ :D

As for increasing fight area, use the fight-radius option and manually set the tile radius to a larger number to increase the fight area bounds ^^ :D 

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Also, and I am sorry to continue bothering you, but I assume you want to hear about bugs.

After the bot runs for a certain amount of time (actually I can't be certain if time is the factor)

My bot will stop loading my cannon. Is there a known reason for this? Or perhaps a conflicted

setting? I appreciate that you are improving the script!

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For cannon, if the script stops loading the cannon, are you sure that the player is standing near the cannon? Also are there any logs/messages in the console logger? Please paste any. 

The script does attack crabs after they become non-aggressive, it walks south and north again. Al-kharid warriors: you gotta set food so the script doesn't go bank to search for food. Doors in stronghold of security: it works.

If using VIP client please make sure to hook the client while logged out. Or use stealth injection mode if you can't initialize vip client correctly

Mac presets are very complex it isn't working as of yet, I am trying to get it working, so far only windows OS works for saving presets. I will get mac/linux down as soon as I dual-boot and debug the script on these OS's.

safe spots are working, just set a safespot using the safespot hotkey (f6 hotkey) :D 

I need to add combat exception for experiments that is a good idea. The system is supported but I need to add a gui setup window for it.

Zeah catacombs still work in progress it's a complex dungeon :( with different heightmaps that's why it's taking longer than usual.

Activated all trials gl guys :D Next patch is being worked on. If I missed any bugs PLEASE tell me, if you have a detailed bug report, the bug will be fixed much much faster. If there are some bugs from a while back which are still present, please tell me what they are.

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