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The script gets stuck at the first ladder in security of stronghold when trying to go up


[ERROR][bot #1][01/05 02:15:45 em]: Error in bot executor!
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: client.getTileVisibilityArray()[[Z
 at org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.isVisible(ti:150)
 at org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.MainScreenTileDestination.isVisible(uj:196)
 at org.osbot.rs07.event.InteractionEvent.execute(ng:408)
 at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor$2.run(xg:188)
 at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(xg:201)
 at org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.interact(ti:278)
 at perfect.scripting.c.cOm2.l(de:634)
 at perfect.scripting.b.b.AuX.l(ul:3030)
 at perfect.scripting.b.b.AuX.K(ul:1650)
 at perfect.scripting.b.b.AuX.l(ul:720)
 at perfect.scripting.b.b.AuX.g(ul:692)
 at perfect.scripting.b.b.a.AuX.l(dp:225)
 at a.a.a.CON.l(me:485)
 at a.Prn.b(nl:475)
 at a.Prn.onLoop(nl:707)
 at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(hk:274)
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

It also stops randomly when killing lv 41 flesh crawlers and this pops up:


at org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.isVisible(ti:150)
 at org.osbot.rs07.event.InteractionEvent.execute(ng:369)
 at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor$2.run(xg:188)
 at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(xg:201)
 at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem.interact(ah:41)
 at a.c.a.aux.B(fh:338)
 at a.c.a.aux.l(fh:273)
 at a.Prn.b(nl:640)
 at a.Prn.onLoop(nl:707)
 at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(hk:274)
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Edited by Jammer
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Script has a logic bug (e.g. dies while safespotting) or (cannon mode doesn't pickup arrows)
- What is the bug: Task managing not working in Stronghold of Security
- How did you make the bug happen: Setting tasks for leveling attack, strength, and defence. 
- (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. '
make the script walk back' or something: Missing method call?
- Tried client restart?: Yes
- Normal script or a plugin?: Stronghold of Security plugin
- Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc: Normal configuration for second level of stronghold to train on flesh crawlers. Looting setup for rare drops, fires, nats, and ranarr, kwuarm, avantoe, camadyne. Task mode enabled, set to "Evenly" for 58 Attack, Strength, and Defence. Banking mode setup for withdrawing Varrock teleport runes and 5 lobsters. 

Edit: Using version 168.0 of script in injection mode. 

Edited by Svealius
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Thanks for the bug report, there will be an update ASAP. Remember guys, bug reports = much much faster updates ^^ :D
As for rock/sand crabs, if the script keeps trying to go the bank, it means the script is searching for food, make sure to set at least some food (even if unnecessary) so the script's anti-death system will not be confused :D Set food by loading (adding new items) to the inventory loadout menu in the setup interface :D
As for stronghold, can you update the osbot client since there was recently an osbot version update (.107), otherwise I will test stronghold again and add an update if it still doesn't work :D EDIT: The new osbot update may have actually broken this sad.png Will check out what's wrong ASAP.
As for the new update, v168 should be live right now, forgot to mention, apologies for late reply everyone sad.png
EDIT: Will also change the GDK paths and fix 'wait for loot' option (for GDK plugin) in the next version. I wanted to make sure that the base GDK plugin is fully working before actually enabling the extra options (e.g. wait for loot, and avoid tile, etc.), next update will be the completed version of the beta GDK plugin. The anti-pk tab will also be re-added :)
An update will also be added for readyclick mode option (I just need to re-test it)
Update v169 coming up, will edit this post after coding :) As for the user that said I am not adding updates - really offensive! I am adding daily updates to the script, the updates took long because of christmas season or something, but they should be added to the SDN much faster now (thanks to the devs) :D

New Update (v169)
- Updated stronghold goal level tasks, they are now enabled and fully working
- Updated GDK paths, script should work for all gdk fight locations
- Added an update for readyclick mode (a few preventative functions for avoiding errors)
- Updated wait for loot option (also added a few error prevention functions and now works for plugins too)


If there are any outstanding features or bugs which may have been missed, don't hesitate to remind me and they will be added ASAP. Will be testing stronghold ladders right now.

Edited by Czar
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Script has a logic bug Does not resume combat after disconnecting @ Experiments
- What is the bug
- How did you make the bug happen - After 2-3 hours of botting at experiments I check back to see the bot is just sitting there. All info in chat is clear and it has the welcome message.
- (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. '
make the script walk back' or something Maybe add a feature to check when relogging in and loop back the script.
- Tried client restart? Yes, multiple times and same issue.
- Normal script or a plugin? Normal Script.
- Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc. "Experiement" as monster selection. Trout as food. Looting bones. Bury Bones option. 

Where do I find plugins for this bot? can somebody redirect me?

Question. This may be an issue regarding something else. I have a username login. Would that cause this issue?

Edited by ToxicRiot
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After trying GDK Plugin, i noticed some problems.

1) World hop does not work. I used 2-3 players as the amount. Other settings dont really matter, as long as i enable world hop, set other things as normal and start the script then script just waits there and console endlessly spams:

[iNFO][bot #1][01/06 02:15:49 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
[iNFO][bot #1][01/06 02:15:50 AM]: "ss_hop_trigger" changed to "0"
I am also testing Anti-PK right now.
As a suggestion i would say Died Count. Like literally add a counter that says how much the char died during bot time. doge.png
Oh it seems that a player had died near me. Bot walked there and went nuts, eat 1 lobster(1 slot free), try to grab 2-3 items in 1 second. Which is kinda funny when you have 1 inv slot free only.  
Can you like add a delay between picking item after item? Like so it doesnt overpick while inventory is full and when it detects a mass of items, then it could eighter like drop 5 lobsters when less than 2 inv slots available or something like that?
Edited by symbol
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Hmm for looting arrows did you start the script with steel arrows equipped so the script knows which arrows to loot? I will add an update to manually set arrows in the setup interface anyway so it should work much better in next version, glad the script is amazing :D


As for moss giants, what seems to be the problem? If using VIP client, make sure the client is hooked while logged out otherwise the script may not even launch properly. Try a client restart, there is no reason for moss giants to be not working :D If there are any bugs/errors, they will be fixed ASAP.


As for GDK plugin, will re-configure world-hop ASAP, update coming up :) A few other gdk plugin options also need tweaking so the next version should be much better. :D


As for experiments, will test and fix for next version ASAP :) As for account, if the script does not re-log have you made sure that the client account selector is configured properly (and the default non-account isn't selected)? Doesn't matter about the username as long as the account is working


Next version of script tweaks coming soon :D

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