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Juggles AIO Fighter


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15 minutes ago, Hansen88 said:

After running out of food at Hill Giants, the GUI says: "Walking to bank" or something, but nothing happens, and bot eventually dies.. Everything is set correctly, no to banking brass key, Food in inven, etc...

Just to let you know.. :)

Must not be coded in webWalker then, I don't control that. 

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Is the bank in Nardah FULLY supported, I've been trialing killing goats here for steady EXP and empty area, sometimes the bot will go and bank in Nardah, other times it just starts walking in the desert with the status "walking to the bank". the bank is literally right next to the goats as well.

Edited by duckweed878
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On 4/26/2017 at 1:11 PM, Juggles said:

Thinking about remaking the script and adding options for single combat zone and multi combat zone and combat potions and super combat potions support and an option to not need food for it to attack.

Anything else you guys would like to see

Hey just a small suggestion: Add expirements/choosing what level to attack and not to attack

Possibly add all of the banks at Zeah? The bank near the shayzien house doesn't seem to be coded as it walked to the central bank (in the middle of Zeah)

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