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Dispute Against Extreme Scripts


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Disputed member: http://osbot.org/forum/user/75579-extreme-scripts/

Thread Link: Handled via Skype

Explanation: @Extreme Scripts asked me to create him a logo. I did that and he seemed to be fairly content with the work so far. He did ask me for some adjustment, which I did make. Eventually he discussed it with his tutor and they came to the conclusion that it was not worth it.

He then told me he was going to throw me $10 so I didn't do the work for nothing, I told him I was fine with that. 4 days later, after trying to get in touch with him about the payment he told me he was going to send it after he got paid by OSBot, I was also fine with that.

Today I just figured out the script writers already got paid on monday and I still haven't received any payment from @Extreme Scripts. This leads me to believe that he's just trying to postpone it until I completely forget about it, he simply ignored me after I confronted him with that. I think I've been patient enough with him now so I must resort to creating a dispute about it. This is not only about the $10 but also a matter of principle.








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What was the agreed price? Did he make it clear before you wasted time that you may not get a full payment?

I have a set price of $20 for my logos, so unless it's a really complicated request or something very basic, that's what I charge. I'm pretty sure he knew that since I created logos for him in the past. The screenshots below are from last year.




I would've been fine with the $10 he told me he promised to pay me though since I hadn't done a ton of adjustments and the logo was not yet optimized.

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Is this a joke or what? You made me a logo which I did NOT TAKE and as a courtesy to you I told you I would throw $10 as a gift your way cos I felt bad and now you are disputing it like a child? 




It was a courtesy from me so when I get round to it I will do it. Don't rush something that was never agreed in the first place.

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He made you a logo you never said you wouldn't pay if you didn't use. You approached him not the other way around. You pay the designer regardless of if you use it or not when you ask them to spend time on a design. How is he acting like a child, because he wants his money or that he made a dispute because you ignored him. He gave you 5 days and asked you about it. You ignored again


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He has shown me a screenshot of his PP being empty right now due to the following reason.





So I guess it has come to the fact that I'm going to have to create a TOS for selling graphics even to people who are returning customers.


Anyway, afterwards he has given me his word that he'll pay me when the next batch comes in and I will keep him to that, this can be archived now, if he doesn't keep his word I'll report it to be reopened.

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