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I didn't ever threaten u till after actully and u no that but u called me every curse word in the book and I barley cursed bcuz u were wasting my time but hey I still can give u the neuteral fb and it will stay as most of the mods told me ahah so I suggest i just stop trying to fight with me

And threatening isn't saying I'm gunna give u nuteral fb bcuz I am aloud to do it

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Look I don't have time to deal with you if your family is really in the hospital you shouldn't be on osbot arguing with kids u cursed at me multiple times worse thing I said to you was shut up cuz u wouldn't stop repeating yourself I had enough ok don't msg again or I will look further into the feedback

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did you honestly not expect an argument/drama to arise from this thread? it's provocative lol

I expected more people to post their input about it. I haven't posted in here lately and I forget. :(

AFTER everything, you stated I called you it in private. At least if you're going to try make a big fuss of it make your plead worth it. You did no such thing either, is that what you're saying?

Not quite sure what language you speak, but you should really practice it before trying to make a laugh of someone.



This thread should be locked via a staff member or @RoomScape for the simple fact it's a waste of time, you did nothing but hurl abuse at me over and over again, then when you was told to stop and added with a staff member so you could actually get it sorted you didn't like it so you continued.

This is a thread in spam. What do you mean it should be locked?

Get out of here with that bs. This is what this forum was made for!!

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