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Perfect Agility AIO


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Never botted on my account, Used for 2 hours last night, 4 hours today and Im banned lol.. 


I believe botting during jagex off hours is super crucial. The only thing that they have is bot watch which is not as good as when a Jagex moderator (like Weath) evaluates reports and is able to nab you when doing the botting. Bot watch can still get you though if the script sucks (usually when they are free) or there is botlike movements in scripts (such as clicking on the same exact tile or even coordinate spot. When you see those in scripts that is a no no as bot watch heuristics will be able to pick those up in no time. I have spent plenty of hours alching with a varying interval autoclicker. Literally for over 4 hours straight and botwatch heuristics were not able to pick it up. Getting reported could be deadly especially when botting during jagex hours!

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On the setup window there is an option for readyclick, just enable the checkbox and good luck ! wink.png


EDIT: Readyclick is only viable for obstacles which are on the same floor level, if the next target obstacle is not on the same floor (e.g. something which is 1 ladders up, it's not ready-clickable because the object cannot be right-clicked) but most courses have at least 5-6 readyclick obstacles so it's no problem :D


As for trials, activated all good luck everyone wink.png

Edited by Czar
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