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Perfect Agility AIO


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Activated all trials gl wink.png Next update will be a total re-write of the wilderness course and a few rooftop new updates, I managed to make it even MORE efficient, optimized and stable smile.png


Still accepting trials, just post/like the thread and I will activate 24h free trials smile.png

Edited by Czar
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about 1 hr into my trial.


Currently is going slow, about 10k xp/hr, manually i got 20k.


Also takes very frequent breaks which is kinda botlike. Only because some of the breaks are taken like while right clicked, which is odd - maybe make the mouse go off-screen.


On the 2nd to last rooftop it does the exact same screen rotation every time.


Very commonly it clicks the tree twice - in the same 2 spots every time.


Commonly on the 2nd rooftop, it will right click the 3rd spot without getting to the 3rd roof, gets stuck about 20 seconds


Will comment back with other things i notice



Edit: Running much better with ready-click off

Edited by ez wider
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Readyclick for rooftops is still experimental, use the normal mode for best performance and results. Mirror-client is also not recommended for agility scripts, but lowering the reaction time is a major improvement :D


New update: v120


- Added some efficiency improvements for all rooftops

- Almost finished re-writing wildy agility course

- Added an update to make agility rooftops more stable, and less idle


update will be live within a few hours, good luck everyone ;)

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Lol wtf, I just levelled a new account to 80 agility and still no bans, make sure to bot responsibly man, it will reduce ban rate by soo much biggrin.png
2-3:1 hr break ratio, avoid botting on rs update days, rs hours, reply to ingame chat, etc etc. 2 hours then 4 hours is far too quick for a ban, sounds almost unbelievable ohmy.png
it's not really difficult Troll.png

Edited by Czar
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